- I pity anyone who has to feed a family on such a low income. 我同情任何需要以如此微薄的收入养活全家的人。
- The government has been handing out free milk to families on a low income. 政府一直在向收入低的家庭免费分发牛奶。
- Inflation erodes the purchasing power of the families with lower income. 通货膨胀使低收入家庭的购买力不断下降。
- Low income leads to poor nutrition. 收入低又造成了营养不足。
- Low income may also adversely influence diet. 低收入同样不利于合理的饮食结构。
- People with low income can claim free medicine. 低收入者可要求免费医疗。
- How will taxs affect people with low income? 税收将会如何影响低收入的人群?
- The Home Purchase Loan Scheme was introduced in 1988 to promote home ownership among families in the low income bracket. 自置居所贷款计划于一九八八年推出,以协助低入息家庭自置居所。
- This policy advantages the lower income working class families. 这一政策对较低收入的工薪家庭有所帮助。
- Welsh students from low income families will pay no fees at all if they attend universities in Wales. 低收入家庭的学生如果选择在威尔斯当地就读大学,则一毛钱学费也不必付。
- We should continue to increase the income of urban and rural residents,especially those with low income,and work hard to raise the living standards of the population. 要继续增加城乡居民特别是低收入者的收入,努力提高人民群众生活水平。
- I'm from an finically underprivileged urban family. 我来自与一个贫困的城市家庭。
- Low Income of Chinese Farmers: What are the Root Causes? 关于我国农民收入问题的若干思考?
- The proportion of a market's rich, middle and low income people. 高、中、低收入者在市场中的比例。
- Flea market is popular among the people with low income. 跳蚤市场在低收入的人们中是受欢迎的。
- The insurance market is expected to boom with the entry of various commercial insurance into urban families. 随着各类商业保险逐步走入城市家庭,今年中国保险市场有望进一步升温。
- We should continue to increase the income of urban and rural residents, especially those with low income, and work hard to raise the living standards of the population. 要继续增加城乡居民特别是低收入者的收入,努力提高人民群众生活水平。
- The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps low income, working taxpayers and families get more money back when they file their federal income tax forms. 工薪退税优惠(EITC)有助于低收入工作纳税人及家庭在申报联邦所得税时得到更多的退税。
- Urban families in the Soviet Union devote nearly the same proportion of their weekly budgets to alcohol as U.S. families do to food. 在苏联城市生活的家庭,每周用于喝酒的钱,同美国家庭每周用于吃饭的钱一样多。
- It is a non-profit organization that repairs and provides donated vehicles to low income families at the minimum price to have them stay employed. 这是一个提供维修并以最低的价格提供汽车给低收入家庭,使他们保持就业的非营利组织。