- The high elasticity of polyester yarns makes it necessary to use low tension when warping or slashing the yarns. 由于聚酯纤维具有较高的弹性,在整经和浆纱时宜采用较低的张力。
- Lower tension to machine equipment. 对机器设备的张力小;
- Low height, low tension, low shrinkage, easy to achieve required final fabric weight. 机台高度低,张力低,染色后,缩率小,成品码重容易达成。
- The low tension and gentle treatment is also ensured by the ratio metered AC drive. 其速比控制的交流传动系统也确保了低张力和轻柔处理。
- Low tension of suture,high speed still can sew stable and beautiful thread trace. 缝线张力低、高速时亦可缝出稳定美观的线迹。
- Low tension and speed are adopted in warping, suitable amount of anti-static agent is added in sizing and side heald frames for satin fabric are located on the position of page 1, 2 to reduce the reed mark. 整经应采用小张力,低车速;浆纱时加入适量抗静电剂,并使用后上蜡;缎纹织物边综框放在第1、2页位置,以减轻筘路。
- The unwinding tension on the fabric is independent to the size of the batch.The fabric enters the pre-washing zone with a constant low tension which is maintained throughout the process. 这样,退卷张力不受布卷大小影响,织物以恒定的低张力进入预水洗并在整个过程中得以保持。
- Fiber endoscopy and lower tension duodenography may bring a high diagnostic rate of duodenal tumor. 纤维内镜检查、十二指肠低张造影对十二指肠肿瘤检出率高;
- low tension electrical porcelain insulator 低压电瓷绝缘子
- PVC insulation low tension wire for road vehicle 聚氯乙烯绝缘低压电线
- low tension electrical porcelain 低压电瓷
- low tension line pin-type insulator 低压线路针式绝缘子
- low tension starting compensator 低压起动补偿器
- The plant synthesizes leghaemoglobin in the no.dule to bind oxygen which must be maintained at low tensions for proper function of nitrogenase. 植株在根瘤中合成豆血红蛋白来固持氧气,氧气要维持在低水平时,固氮酶才能正常发挥作用。
- In analysis concrete is taken as low tensional material steel bar as perfect elastic-plastic material and dam as elastic material. 分析结果表明,在面板未发生破坏之前,配筋率的大小并不改变面板的刚度,配筋只在面板产生破坏之后才发挥作用。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- The singer forced his low notes. 那位歌手勉强唱出低音。
- He because of bashful but low head. 他因羞愧而低下了头。
- Low voltage rating power device. 低电压启动。
- The ship lay keeled over at low tide. 那艘船因退潮而倾覆。