- low temperature baking enamel 低温烘漆
- low temperature baking (stoving) enamel 低温烘干涂料
- low temperature baking stoving enamel 低温烘干涂料
- Methods:We have made an animal model by anaethetizing a mouse after defuring and putting on an aluminium plate in a electrothermal thermosta ctic water tank for low temperature baking. 方法:通过麻醉大鼠背部去毛后置于电热恒温水箱内平置铝板上“低温烘烤”的方法,制造动物模型。
- The food should be kept at low temperature. 这种食品应低温保存。
- Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature. 铅会在相当低的温度下熔化。
- low temperature baking coating 低温烘烤涂层
- Lead fuses at a low temperature. 铅在低温下就熔化。
- low temperature bake 低温素烧
- The low temperature froze my flowers. 低温把我的花冻死了。
- Lead will fuse at a relatively low temperature. 铅不需要太高温度即能溶化。
- The low temperature will freeze my flowers. 低温会把我的花冻死。
- At a low temperature, water turns into ice. 水在低温时就结成冰。
- Single pack baking enamels, used by new vehicle manufacturers, use different resins to those in air dry enamel. 单套烘烤瓷釉,通常是新汽车生产商使用,在风干瓷釉中用不同的树脂。
- Water freezes at a low temperature. 水在低温时结冰。
- Alignment requires low temperature. 取向排列需要低温。
- The food must be kept at a low temperature. 这食物必须在低温下保存。
- various colors acrylic baking enamel 各色丙烯酸烘干磁漆
- The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy. 冷疗法一种在医疗中局部或全部使用低温的方法
- acrylic electro static spraying baking enamel 丙烯酸静电烘干磁漆