- low P availability 低磷胁迫
- We bought so many nice things at low p . They are a b . 我们以低价买了很多好东西它们真是便宜货.
- Yield and N uptake response by non-nodulated soybean to increased P availability is marginal. 不结瘤大豆对有效磷增加在产量和氮吸收上的反应也不大。
- Results show that P availability in latosol derived from shallow-sea deposit is higher than that in latosol derived from basalt. 砖红壤磷有效性低的主要原因是土壤活性铝、铁、锰含量高,另外与土壤中不同形态无机磷占无机磷比例有关。
- In agricultural systems, this symbiosis is especially important for the uptake of phosphorus, particularly from low P soils. 在农业系统中,这种共生关系对于磷特别是低磷土壤中磷的吸收更为重要。
- Salt and low P coupled stresses affected long-distance transport of sodium, potassium and phosphate ions in the tested soybean genotypes. 4.;盐磷耦合胁迫影响了供试大豆体内钠、钾、磷等离子的长距离运输。
- When normal P was resupplied after the stress of 0 P or low P, the cells could resume growth with incubation time prolonged. 而经缺磷或低磷预处理的细胞再转入正常培养基后,细胞生长量随培养时间的延长而不断增加,且缺磷预处理的细胞干重增幅最大。
- It was known that P availability might also regulate the growth and development of lateral roots, but most reports focused on the model plant, Arabidopsis, while research on soybean is scarce. 磷有效性对植物侧根发生发育也有调控作用,但已有的研究主要集中在模式植物拟南芥上,对于磷是否调控大豆主根和侧根的发生发育过程鲜有报道。
- For example, in a low P fixing soil with heavy residue cover and warm, moist soil surface broadcast P may produce better results than banded P. 例如,在固磷能力较低的土壤上,当有大量残留物覆盖同时土表温暖、潮湿的情况下,撒施磷肥比条施磷肥效果更好。
- Low P diets decreased tibia and kidney calcium content significantly (P<0.05). These results suggest that the low P diets have an adverse effect on calcium metabolism. 低磷日粮显著降低肾脏和胫骨钙含量 (P <0 0 5) ;表明低磷日粮对钙的代谢有不利的影响
- Result showed that HPE maize performed a higher N and K absorption efficiency in low P regiment, its N, K absorption and dry matter accumulation were less affected by low P supply. 结果表明,磷高效利用型玉米氮钾素吸收和干物质积累受低磷处理的影响较小,表现出对氮、钾的高效吸收。
- M3( AA 12 3to 30 2 ) and M9( AA 10 78to 12 51) also have the ability to bind to human erythrocytes,but the binding was not affected by trypsin treatment and low p H buffer elu- tion. 而 M3,M9与红细胞结合不受胰酶影响 ,且不能被酸性缓冲液洗脱。
- It is seemed that Chuanmai 42 has the tolerance to low P nutrition after analyzing the index of shoot biologic characteristic, including PH (Plant Height), LA (Leaf Area), SDW (Shoot Dry Weight). 通过对地上部生物学特性(地上部生物量、苗高、叶面积)、根系形态学特性(主根长度、分枝根长度、根系总长度和根系干重)的分析,初步结果为:川麦42具有耐低P胁迫能力。
- Results CPR levels were significantly lower(P<0.05)in peri-menopausal period women after HT therapy. 结论绝经早期启用HT可能获得保护心血管的窗口期。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- The singer forced his low notes. 那位歌手勉强唱出低音。
- Under the conditions the products can be obtained with the quality of the content of P available 17.20%,Ca available 26.88%,F 0.11% all meeting the quality standards of feed DFP established by enterprise at home. 在此条件下可制得有效磷(P)含量17.;20%25;有效钙(Ca) 含量26
- He because of bashful but low head. 他因羞愧而低下了头。
- The ship lay keeled over at low tide. 那艘船因退潮而倾覆。
- My home town lies low in a hidden valley. 我的家乡位于一个隐蔽的山谷里。