- I will hire lote of empioyees. 他们将是最受欢迎的员工。
- Setor Hoteleiro Taguatinga Lote Projecao D, s/n, Brasilia 72011-000, Brazil 推荐酒店,渡假村,旅店,假日旅游套餐,旅游指南等等的资讯
- if there is no match, the word you have found cannot be a true equivalent and you must resort to a superordinate or paraphrase in the LOTE. 如果不吻合,你要查找的词就不是一个完全匹配的词,你必须依据LOTE提供的该词所属的总称或对它的解释来决定。
- designed in accordance with LOTE (Languages Other... correctly. Ten lessons in the textbook, which... lessons, teach students Chinese words on colors, 所属分类:语言.;文字>>语言文字>>汉语、少数民族作者:吴德安//胡龙华出版社:北京语言文化大学
- Lote lesser of two evils 两个不幸中的较轻者