- They won the battle and resumed lost territory. 他们打胜了这一仗并收复了失地。
- They recaptured the lost territory. 他们收复了失地。
- lost territory compensation 失地补偿
- We resumed our occupation of the lost territory. 我们收复了失地。
- They regained their lost territory yard by yard. 他们一码一码地收复了失地。
- The people in the colony recovered their lost territory. 殖民地的人民光复了失地。
- I paid lip service to the theory of recovering the lost territory. 我简短地提到了关于收复失地的理论。
- The conference resolved to resort to force to recover the lost territory. 会议决定以武力恢复失地。
- What the Soviet Union has now done is merely to recover its lost territory, liberate the oppressed Byelorussians and Ukrainians and save them from German oppression. 苏联现在不过是把过去失掉的土地收回来,把被压迫的白俄罗斯民族和乌克兰民族解放出来,并使免受德国的压迫。
- This short movie tries to publicize Gando, the lost territory of Korea, to people around the world. 接下来,电影介绍了间岛的位置,以及这片历史上属于韩国的领土是如何被转交给中国的。
- After eight years of grueling war against Japanese aggression the Chinese people won final victory and recovered the lost territory of Taiwan in 1945. 中国人民经过八年艰苦的抗日战争,于1945年取得了最后的胜利,收复了失土台湾。
- Over the image of Yue Fei is a horizontal board inscribed with Huan'Wo'He'Shan or Restore Our Lost Territory, which was Yue Fei's lifelong goal. 坐像顶端,悬挂着一块镌有“还我河山”四字的大匾,这是岳飞毕生奋斗的目标;
- Mr Aliev periodically makes dark threats about retaking Azerbaijan's lost territory by force, though a flare-up in Georgia currently looks likelier. 阿利耶夫不时地威胁将动用武力收复阿的失地,虽然格鲁吉亚目前的冲突看起来更象那么回事儿。
- Decrease in land or complete by commandeer hind, care of can of circumstance of the life of lost territory farmer, obtain employment. 在土地减少或完全被征用后,失地农民的生活、就业情况堪忧。
- For the temporary loss of part of our territory is the price we pay for the permanent preservation of all our territory,including the recovery of lost territory. 因为暂时地部分地丧失土地,是全部地永久地保存土地和恢复土地的代价。
- What the Soviet Union has now done is merely to recover its lost territory,liberate the oppressed Byelorussians and Ukrainians and save them from German oppression. 苏联现在不过是把过去失掉的土地收回来,把被压迫的白俄罗斯民族和乌克兰民族解放出来,并使免受德国的压迫。
- So long as we are able to wipe out the enemy's effective strength on a large scale, it will be possible to recover lost territory and seize new territory. 只要我军能够将敌军有生力量大量地歼灭了,就有可能恢复失地,并夺取新的地方。
- It is the immediate task of China to regain all our lost territories. 中国当前的任务是收复全部失地。
- For the temporary loss of part of our territory is the price we pay for the permanent preservation of all our territory, including the recovery of lost territory. 因为暂时地部分地丧失土地,是全部地永久地保存土地和恢复土地的代价。
- We shall give generous financial support, and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. 我们(德国)将会向墨国提供慷慨的财政支持和一个谅解:墨西哥会重新收复在新墨西哥州、得克萨斯州,和亚利桑那州失去的国土。