- They're frightened of losing power. 他们害怕失去权力。
- losing power accident 停电事故
- Are you frightened of losing power? 你害怕失去权利吗?
- The ship is losing power and oxygen. 他们能否顺利到达月球?
- The fear of losing power is a weakness of the Jedi and the Sith. 害怕失去力量是绝地和西斯的共同弱点.
- The heart loses power and pumps less blood. 心脏功能在衰竭,供血量不断减少;
- Gordon was oblivious.I shut down the generator and Gordon, losing power, looked up quizzically. 并建构了观察者与画中人物间的不稳定关系。”
- Of course. Do you remember the storm we had last summer? Well, people were worried about losing power, so they loaded up on batteries before the storm. 去年夏天的那场暴风雨呀?我当然记得。就是啊,当时大家特别担心停电
- The election was a chance for the party to show that it intends to rebuild itself after losing power a month ago for only the second time in 54 years. 对于几个月前刚在54年中第二次输掉日本大选的自民党来说,这次的选举是他们展现希望自我组的一个机会。
- Typhoons, drawing strength from warm water, roar into China from the South China Sea every year between May and September, losing power once they make landfall. 台风,从暖水海洋吸取能量,每年五月至九月间咆哮着从中国南海进入中国大陆,一旦登陆后其能量就开始消耗了。
- Run down: gradually stop working; lose power My watch hasrun down; I must have forgotten to wind it. 我的表停了,我一定是忘上发条了。
- Keywords PWR Nuclear power Accident ex-USSR; 压水堆;核动力;事故;(前)苏联;
- The oboe tends to lose power in the upper register, but with the clarinet the opposite is the case. 双簧管往往在高音区效果不佳,而单簧管则正好相反。
- Unused, these batteries gradually lose power and if they sit longer than a month will probably need recharging. 这种电池闲置不用时会逐渐流失电力,如果放着不用超过一个月就可能需要重新充电。
- That means it is easier for planes with only two engines to strike a flock of birds and lose power in both engines. 那意味着,对于只有两个引擎的飞机更容易受到一群飞鸟的撞击,并且两个引擎更易失灵。
- Some of them lost power with Dalailama.Some of them followed their belief. 他们中有些人是随着dl丢了权利的,有些是跟随信仰的。
- It is a strange desire,to seek power,and to lose liberty; or to seek power over others,and to lose power over a man's self. 要寻求权力而去掉自由,或寻求凌驾他人的权力而失却统治自己的权力,这一种欲望是一种可异的欲望。
- Yet historians have documented the murderous path that Chiang Kai-shek led in his efforts to win, then keep, and ultimately lose power. 但是历史学家们纪录了蒋介石以残杀手腕,赢取,保有,最终失去权力的过程。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Zhang Yuan, said: "I hope that each of my films are challenging, if the new works for me not to establish a new style, perhaps I would lose power shot. 张元表示:“我希望我的每一部电影都具有挑战性,如果新作品对我来说没有新的风格建立,我也许也会失去拍摄的动力。”