- Lost luggage clerk (L): Yes,sir. Can I help you? 遗失行李处职员(L):是的。先生,我能帮你忙吗?
- Where is the lost luggage office? 行李遗失申报处在哪里?
- Lost luggage clerk (L): Yes, sir. Can I help you? 遗失行李处职员(l):是的。先生,我能帮你忙吗?
- Is this where I go about lost luggage? 查询行李遗失是在这里吗?
- Nearby in the terminal were huge piles of lost luggage. 而在检票站附近,可以看到堆积如山的无主行李。
- Judge a person not by appearance but by the way he/she handles a rainy day or a lost luggage. (不要根据外表判断一个人,而要看他/她如何应付雨天或者丢失行李这样的“不幸”情况。)
- Situation: One of Amy's suitcases is missing.She reports it to the airline's lost luggage department. 情境:艾咪的一个行李箱不见了。她告知航空公司的失物招领部。
- Imagine you have lost something on a flight and now you are at a lost luggage counter, talking to the attendant.Make a dialogue with your deskmate with the following information. 高中英语课程标准倡导创设语言实践活动,引导学生在用语言做事的过程中得体地使用英语,并尝试用英语解决问题。
- There isn't much space left for your luggage. 剩下的地方不太够你放行李的。
- How much do they stand to lose by this merger? 这次合并,他们要遭受多大损失?
- Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation. 小心,不要因为蒸发作用而失掉过多的水份。
- The porter was weighed down by all the luggage. 搬运工扛着这些行李压得直不起腰来。
- Have you attached labels to the luggage? 你给行李系上标签了吗?
- Let's keep together or we shall lose each other. 咱们待在一块儿,否则就会失散了。
- He deposited the case in the left luggage office. 他把箱子放在行李寄存处。
- Don't go too far afield or we might lose you. 不要走得太远,要不然我们会找不到你的。
- He put his bag on the luggage rack. 他把包放在行李架上。
- The game will lose its relish when you grow old. 你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。
- All the luggage has been strapped up. 所有行李都已捆扎好。
- The luggage was shunted slowly into the lift. 已把行李慢慢移进电梯里。