- Rock Bolting Support Technology for Loose Coal Seam 松散煤层锚杆支护技术
- Practice of Support in the Air Return Roadway and the Loose Coal Seam Working Face with High-Methane 高瓦斯极松软煤层工作面及上风巷支护实践
- loose coal seam 松软煤层
- The coal seam of fully mechanized top-coal caving face 1151(3) in Xieqiao coal mine of Huainan mining area is soft and loose,and is of low permeability and poor wetting condition. 基于淮南矿区谢桥煤矿1151(3)综放面,煤层松软、渗透性低、湿润性差的特殊条件,采用煤层注水工艺技术降尘,在注水孔布置方式及参数、注水孔封孔工艺、注水工艺等方面采取一定的技术措施。
- Analysis on Forming of the Top Loosing Coal of Drift Along the Low and Spontaneous Combustion Characteristic in Thick Coal Seam 厚煤层巷顶松散煤体的形成及自然发火特点
- Coal miners; coal seams; coal haulers. 煤矿工; 煤层; 运煤工
- Coal seams intermixed with iron ore. 煤层和铁矿混杂在一起。
- The Gaussian curvature of No.3 coal seam in Qinshui basin is calculated. 计算了沁水盆地3号煤层的高斯曲率。
- Factors affected coal seam permeability change and its law is analyzed. 分析了煤层透气性变化的影响因素及变化规律。
- The loose coal self-igniting has a big proportion in the disasters of coal self-igniting. 在煤炭自燃灾害中,松散煤体自燃占很大的比例,综放面松散煤体较多,发生自燃的危险性也较高。
- The outburst-proneness of 6# coal seam are studied with five indexes. 采用5种指标对该矿6%23煤层冲击倾向性进行了实验研究。
- Coal seams intermixed with iron ore . 煤层和铁矿混杂在一起。
- The way and principle of Gaussian curvature method for forecasting natural fracture zones in coal seam are discussed. 摘要论述了高斯曲率法预测煤层天然裂隙发育区的基本原理和方法。
- Outburst prevention technique of excavating in coal seam will be directly concerned colliery safety production and excavates taking over. 摘要突出煤层煤巷掘进防突直接关系到煤矿的安全生产和采掘接替。
- Long- wall double working- face combined winning technical practice in faull lager small section coal seam. 断层带小块段煤层走向长壁双工作面联合开采技术实践。
- Research on coal bedding structure is the theory foundation and precondition of coal seam gas exploitation. 煤体层理结构的研究是煤层气开发开采的理论基础和前提条件。
- So it is feasible used the logging data to forecast coal seam gas content,and the applied value is enhance further. 证明用测井资料预测煤层瓦斯含量是可行的,从而进一步加强了测井资料的实际应用价值。
- The authors used the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) in the researches of coal seam floor water-irruption. 将系统工程中的层次分析法引入煤层底板突水的研究中。
- New type loose coal equipment of chain boiler 链条锅炉的新型松煤装置
- The technology of roadway protection with coal waste residue concrete and application in thin coal seam are introduced. 介绍了煤矸渣混凝护巷技术及其在薄煤层中的应用。