- Owen pounced on the loose ball and scored. 欧文对准无人控制的球就是一脚,破门得分。
- The player thrusted for the loose ball. 那个球员猛冲向待争球。
- When he went for the loose ball, he tripped and fell over. 在争抢球时他绊了一下,摔倒了。
- A loose ball landed in the lap of courtside fixture Lou Adler. 一个球卡在了场边支架的连接处。
- Pick-Ups: The act of scooping a loose ball with a crosse. 铲球:用球杆铲起在地上的球。
- Bazeley accepted the chance to score from the loose ball. 巴泽雷抓住了待争夺球来得分的机会。
- He was hit when Los Angeles' Sasha Vujacic swatted a loose ball out to Bryant. 他被击中时,洛杉矶萨沙武贾西奇盖一个松散的球给科比。
- Paul Millsap: If he can touch a loose ball, not even the Jaws of Life can pry it away. 保罗-米尔萨普:如果他能触摸到一个不牢固的球,甚至没有活口能把它带走。
- In stoppage time before the break, Young was first to a loose ball to beat Dudek with a low strike. 查尔顿在伤停补时扩大比分,斯梅丁禁区右侧传中被卡拉格挡回,队长卢克-扬禁区右侧小角度劲射,皮球从杜德克两腿间入网。
- The Norwegian striker pounced on a loose ball, steamed towards goal and pulled back from the byline. 挪威射手努力去争抢一个快要出界的球,并把球救了回来。
- Fabricio Oberto and Manu Ginobili muff a handoff and Kobe Bryant, who is guarding Ginobili, picks up the loose ball and slams it home on the other end. 法布里希奥-奥博托给马努-吉诺比利传球时出现失误,此时防守吉诺比利的科比-布莱恩特捡起球,(迅速进攻)在球场另一头扣篮得分。
- He went flying into the crowd while chasing a loose ball, sharing time briefly with those who can afford to splurge on tickets at Staples Center. 一次捡球的时候他飞入人群,和湖人的那些大牌球迷们简单的庆祝了一番。
- Meanwhile the Bulls got to every loose ball, grabbed a ton of offensive rebounds, and seemed to make all the hustle defense plays. 相反,公牛今天不放过每一个可争取的球,抓下不计其数的进攻篮板,并且布置了非常有进攻性的防守阵势。
- After playing himself in carefully, Smith began to hit out at the looser balls. 认真地作好准备后,史密斯开始猛击球,不再怕丢分。
- With Nowitzki writhing on the court, Tim Duncan grabbed the loose ball and scored, putting San Antonio ahead for the first time in the second half. 他倒下后,邓肯抓到球并得分,马刺下半场第一次领先。
- Matt Pattison, seizing quickly on a loose ball, made a superb run, gliding past two defenders, before shooting left-footed but Poole was up to it. 马特-帕蒂森快速带球连过两人,可惜在左脚射门之前普尔已经冲了上来。
- Yet, there he is, just as likely to dive on the floor for a loose ball as he is to sky for a thunderous dunk in transition. 这就是他,还值得一提的是,霍华德扑倒在地板上飞身救球和他在攻守转换时跃起做一记雷霆万钧的暴扣都一样的卖力。
- Terry was soon back down the other end making a crucial interception to prevent Alan Shearer snatching up a loose ball in front of goal. 特里马上退回去做了一个至关重要的拦截,阻止阿兰·希勒在球门钱夺取一个因松懈而来的险球。
- Later in the game, Cassell seemed to slam Vujacic down onto the court while they wrestled for a loose ball, and Vujacic said afterwards that he thought it was on purpose. 在比赛快要结束时,当他们在抢一个球的时候卡塞尔似乎想把武贾西奇从球场摔出去,沙沙说时候他觉得这完全是故意的有目的的。
- The Jazz missed again at the other end, but the Lakers bobbled the ball, too, and Williams crashed to the floor for a loose ball and forced a jump ball. 爵士在另一边投篮不进,但是湖人队自己产生失误掉球,威廉姆斯倒地捡到球后没有拿稳造成跳球。