- The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop. 他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。
- Back Epiphysis Loop Fracture of Lumbosacral Vertebrae Is An Important Cause of Adolescent Lumbocrural Pain 腰骶椎后缘骺环骨折是青少年腰腿痛不可忽视的因素
- The road makes a wide loop around the lake. 这条路沿湖绕一大圈。
- Perhaps there is a fracture in the water pipe. 也许水管有裂缝了。
- The fracture of his left leg is very serious. 他的左腿骨折情况很严重。
- A loop fastened to a belt to hold a tool or weapon. 挂武器环固定在腰带上拴工具或武器的环套
- The fracture caused him intense pain. 骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。
- One loop or winding of a coiled rope or cable. 一卷绳索,一捆船索卷起的绳子或钢丝的一圈或一卷
- The loop becomes magnetic when the current is switched on. 通电时线圈就会有磁性。
- The loop of string makes a handle for the parcel. 细绳结的环做成包裹的拎襻。
- Fracture of the leg can be very serious in old people. 老年人腿骨骨折有可能成为严重疾患。
- Loop that end of the rope through this and knot it. 把绳子的这一头儿从这里穿过然后打结。
- loop fracture [医] 环形破裂, 桶柄式半月板破裂
- This control may be closed loop or open loop. 控制可以是闭环的也可以是开环的。
- Such a procedure does not preclude fracture. 这个方法不能消除断裂的发生。
- You'll be treated for a fracture of the bone. 你因骨折需要治疗。
- A knot forming a loop that does not slip. 死结形成一个不能滑脱的环状结
- The news of their divorce threw us for a loop. 他们离婚的消息使我们大吃一惊。
- High fracture toughness and insulation resistance. 高断裂强度及绝缘性能。