- Fame and gain are but chips to him. 他视名利为尘土。
- He cares very little for fame and gain. 他对名利很淡薄。
- It's wrong to strive for personal fame and gain. 追求个人名利是错误的。
- They shun personal fame and gains. 他们不计个人名利。
- He hankered after personal fame and gain. 他热衷于个人名利。
- They reach after personal fame and gain. 他们追求个人名利。
- It's wrong to strivefor personal fame and gain. 追求个人名利是错误的。
- He is desirous of fame and gain. 他追求名和利。
- He is infatuated with fame and gain. 他醉心于名利。
- He never reaches after personal fame and gain. 他从不追求个人名利。
- He is eventually tired of the wooing for the fame and gain. 他终于对追名逐利感到厌倦了。
- One mustn't seek after comfort, personal fame and gains. 我们不应当贪图安逸,追名逐利。
- I have no ambition for fame and gain. I am not ambitious for fame and gain. 我没有名利野心。
- Red Qing Yan surmounts crocodilian compensate this month fame and gain the 4th. 红蜻蜒超越鳄鱼恤本月名利第四位。
- He hankers after personal fame and gains. 他热衷于个人名利。
- She hankers after fame and gains. 她贪图名利。
- I wish you wouldn't look down on this kind of work. 我希望你不要看不起这种工作。
- One mustn't seek after comfort,personal fame and gains. 我们不应当贪图安逸,追名逐利。
- Don't look down on such activities. 不要小看这些活动。
- We mustn't seek after comfort,personal fame and gains. 我们不应当贪图安逸,追名逐利。