- Raise your eyes once in a while and look into the distance. 每过一阵就把眼睛抬起看看远处。
- Ascend tower of light the lamp, face vast brimless sea, you can look into the distance sails the regular boat of archipelago of guest of Xiang Fei Pai. 登上灯塔,面对浩瀚无边的大海,你能遥望驶向菲徘宾群岛的航船。
- He looked into the distance while listening to the pop music. 他边听流行音乐边向远方看。
- A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances. 成立了一个委员会来调查工人的不满。
- The trend of marketing that the marketing of the network is becoming the leading factor and craning one's neck to look into the distance, become enterprise's marketing important means slowly. 网络营销正成为主导引领营销的潮流,慢慢成为企业营销的重要手段。
- Day, Liang Jin Walled an outside look into the distance Kameyama, Kameyama feel like the shape of the Daozhuo the dead bodies in recline Zhai Qian, it's like this Xiongsha to tell local people. 一日,良缙立于寨门外遥望龟山,觉得龟山的形状像倒着的死人尸体,横卧于寨前,便将此凶煞之象告诉乡人。
- They stopped to look into the window. 他们停下来看看橱窗。
- She sprinted off/away into the distance. 她飞快地跑了。
- The desert stretched away into the distance. 沙漠一直延伸到远方。
- They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. 它们在一起奔跑和玩耍。直到有一天,一个小家伙突然停下来,朝远处望去。
- A working party has been set up to look into the problem. 已成立工作组调查该问题。
- So we took the elevator to the top of ESB.We looked into the distance and, sure enough, everything was in haziness. 于是,我们乘登顶电梯来到了帝国大厦顶楼,举目望去,眼前果然模糊一片。
- The girl named Hanna stands up in the garden where she has been working and looks into the distance. 她一直在花园里干活,这会儿则站直了身子,眺望远方。
- The tea plantations stretch far into the distance over the hills. 山坡上的茶园一直延伸到很远的地方。
- The Mazu looking into the distance, with a Ruyi in her hand, is dignified, delicate, elegant, upright and charming. 这座妈祖手持如意,眺望远方,神态端庄秀美,飘逸昂然,极具神韵。
- Climbing to the highest point and looking into the distance, one can see the immensity of the universe. 登极远望,只见天高云厚。
- We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance. 我们驶抵公海,海岸似乎退到了远方。
- This is quite unusual. I'll look into the matter. 这是很少有的,我会调查此事的。
- As one looked into the distance, the sparse trees and pale moon set off by the blue sky offered a view like that at a deserted ferry on a desolated river. 一眼望去,疏疏的林,淡淡的月,衬着蓝蓝的天,颇像荒江野渡光景;那边呢?
- Be it necessary for us to look into the matter? 有没有必要调查这件事?