- Much as the sheep look alike, the old man can tell one from another. 虽然绵羊看起来很相像,但那位老人仍能一一区别。
- Big Sister and auntie really look alike. 姐姐跟伯母长的真像。
- My sister and I do not look alike. 我和我妹妹外貌不相像。
- It's amazing how much they look alike. 她们看起来像极了。
- Supermarkets tend to look alike. 超级市场通常很类似。
- Oscar and his wife look alike, isn't that freaky? 奥斯卡和他的老婆长得这么像,难道不奇怪吗?
- Twins don't necessarily look alike. 双胞胎的相貌不一定相像。
- Quot; why?. Do you think they look alike? 怎么?你觉得他们很象吗?
- A lot of the houses around here look alike! 这周围好多房子都一个样子!
- I really think all Americans look alike. 我真的觉得美国人长得都一个样。
- The covers of the two books look alike. 这两本书的封面很像。
- The two half-sisters look alike. 这两个隔山姐妹长得很像。
- Fruit small, 6 oz., elongated Hass look alike. 果实小;6安士.;哈斯芒看上去很相象
- Emperors may look alike,but they don't sound alike. 帝企鹅可能看上去都很像,但它们的声音并不相同。
- All those Ivy League bastards look alike. 那些常春藤盟校的混蛋都长一个样。
- They look alike, talk alike, even think alike they're two of a kind/they're very much of a kind. 他们长得很像、 说话很像、 连想法都很像--他们俩完全是一个类型。
- The two office buildings look alike in size and shape. 这两座办公楼的大小和形状都一样。
- All the houses in that street look alike, it's very dull. 那条街上的房屋都一模一样,十分单调。
- From year to year the moons look alike, old and new. 江月年年只相似
- All the houses in that street look alike,it's very dull. 那条街上的房屋都一模一样,十分单调。