- Look in the mirror and see that you are beautiful. 照照自己,端详自己的美貌。
- Stop looking in the mirror admiring yourself! 不要对着镜子自我欣赏了重。
- It's time you took a good look in the mirror. 你该自己照照镜子了。
- Please have a look in the mirror. 请照照镜子。
- Go look in the mirror, stupid cunt. 去镜子里照照,你个蠢货。
- Carol: He can just look in the mirror to see that. 卡罗尔:呵呵,他的样子只要照一下镜子就能看到。
- And when I look in the mirror, I see a stranger staring me down. 当我照镜子的时候,我看到一个陌生人正盯着我看。
- He looked in the mirror to check his tie. 他对著镜子看领带是否系正。
- Stop looking in the mirror admiring yourself. 不要对着镜子顾盼自怜了。
- While I combed my hair, I looked in the mirror. 当我梳头发的时候,我照了照镜子。
- When you are looking for faults to correct, look in the mirror. 当你想找出错误以便更改,那就看看镜子。
- Ex.He looked in the mirror and straightened his tie. 他照镜子整了整领带。
- She looked in the mirror and received Time's message. 她照着镜子,悟出了时光老人的真谛。
- What Le-Turd sees when he looks in the mirror each morning ! 查看:主题列表,主题摘要第1-10个主题,共有48668个往后
- Scared myself out lf a week's sleep when I looked in the mirror . 从镜子里一看,吓得我一个星期都不敢睡觉了!
- I bet that flag is a real comfort every time you look in the mirror. 你每回照镜子时一定很自傲。
- How grand the mountains look in the early evening! 暮色中群山是多么壮丽!
- She stared at herself in the mirror. 她凝视着镜中的自己。
- Look in the TV guide to see what's on. 看看电视节目表上有什麽节目?
- This statistic still does not make it any easier when you look in the mirror and a big pimple stares right back at you. 但是当你面对镜子时,如果一个巨大的丘疹在里面盯着你,这种数据丝毫不会让你感到轻松一些。