- Do you have any plans for the long weekend? 你有办法打发这个漫长的周末吗?
- Sagittarius goes camping for the long weekend. 射手座早就安排了要在这个长长的假期去野营。
- We're going to enjoy an extra long weekend. 我们将要欢度一个特别长的周末。
- Are you taking a trip over the long weekend? 这个长周末你要去旅行吗?
- Undeterred, we set out for a long weekend. 尽管如此,我们依然饶有兴致地开始了我们的周末之旅。
- Friday to Monday.? Only three to four days.? A long weekend. 从周五到周一。只有三、四天。一个长周末。
- The boss advised the secretary that she should have a long weekend. 老板建议秘书好好度个长周末。
- You're not forgetting to review old lessons even at this long weekend. 这大周末的还不忘复习啊。
- People head out of town for a long weekend of three or four days so as not to burn up all their holiday time at once. 人们在周末离开所在城市三四天,这样就不会把 假期一次用尽。
- SCOTT: Hey, listen. I work hard. If I want to relax on a long weekend, that's my business. 史考特:嘿,听着,我工作得很辛苦,如果我要休息一整个周末,那是我的事。
- The two soon embraced for a long kiss, both regretting the fighting they had done over the long weekend. 俩人很快拥抱在一起接了一个长长的吻,都对这个长周末干过的那一仗感到后悔。
- It was Taiwan's National Day on the 10th of October, so it was a long weekend for everyone..PHEW. . 10月10日是台湾的国庆日.;当天是星期五;所以那星期的周末变长了
- Contra Costa Youth Orchestra performed at Disneyland during the 2008 president day long weekend. 佳妮所在的少年乐队于2008总统节在洛杉矶的迪斯尼乐园演出。
- The text was created by walking around the Tate Modern during its Long Weekend early in 2008, about Fluxus, with many performances and events. 楼上中录像内朗读的文本,是我在2008年初泰特现代美术馆长周末期间,一边绕着馆走一边创作的,关于激浪派,包括许多演出和活动。
- We giggled in bed at night and over the course of long weekend mornings, lying on our backs, legs draped across each other's legs. 我们整夜甚至整个周末的早晨都在床上一起开心地度过,我们平躺着,脚却纠缠在一起。
- She loves warm weather sites, wants to take a cruise, go to Hawaii, take a long weekend in Vegas or a romantic weekend at a bed and breakfast. 她喜欢温暖的地方,喜欢去夏威夷,去维加斯度假或是在家度过一个浪漫的周末。
- The ECCCLC is an annual joint-parish retreat held during the Labour Day long weekend for Chinese youths aged 17-35 across Eastern Canada. 加拿大东岸天主教华人生活营是一个一年一度在劳动节长周末,为17-35岁在加拿大东部的华裔青年筹备的一个信仰生活营。
- However, this means that our entire existence is driven by our primitive sexual urges. Okay, sure, a long weekend maybe, but our entire existence? I don't think so. 但是,这意味着我们的整个存在都是由原始的性冲动驱使的。好吧,也许一个漫长的周末可以这样,但是整个生命历程呢?我不这样认为。
- Shortly after I started at Pursestrings, I took a long weekend off and drove to Springfield, Massachusetts, for the wedding of my Georgetown roommate Marine Lieutenant Kit Ashby. 我为“紧缩开支计划”工作了没多久,就请了一个长长的周末假,开车去了马萨诸塞州的斯普林菲尔德,参加基特.;阿什比的婚礼,他是我在乔治敦的室友,当时是海军陆战队的中尉。
- They might gather close friends and family for a nice meal and some fun, have a holyday travel, or they might just treat the holiday as another long weekend. 他们会约上亲朋好友、准备一桌丰盛的节日大餐,享受聚会带来的欢乐。或是出去旅行,更有的人只是将它看成是一个长长的周末罢了!