- Are you willing to make a long term commitment to this dog? 你是否愿意为这条狗承担相当一段时间的责任与义务?
- Allergan has long term commitment in China,now is looking for talent. 艾尔建在中国有长期的发展计划,现招募优秀人才!
- Other exciting news for Clipper and future crews is the long term commitment of Qingdao, China. 其他令人振奋的消息,快船和未来船员的是长期的承诺,中国山东省青岛市。
- By creating innovative products we strive to meet and satisfy our customers needs. This always, and will continue to be our long term commitment. 透过不断地研发独特且创新的产品,尽全力的满足顾客们的需求,这是我们永续经营所坚持的承诺。
- In a real estate transaction, the buyer often needs more help than a seller, because they are making a long term commitment and need to ensure they are buying well. 在房地产交易中,相对于卖方而言,买方往往需要更多的帮助,因为他们正在做出长远的决定,必须确保他们作出合适的购买行为。
- No long term commitment to me. 对借款人不会长期承担责任。
- Long term commitments improve the quality of our decisions and the integrity of the promises we make to one another. 这种长期的承诺提高了我们所做决定的质量和我们向其他人所做的许诺的诚信度。
- Long term commitment to cost-effective ee as a resource 长期承诺将有成本效益的能效作为一种资源
- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平。
- We hope to make great profit in the long term. 我们希望长期获利。
- In the long term we hope to make large profits on it. 从长远来看我们希望能靠它赚一大笔钱。
- They were sentenced to long terms in prison. 他们被判处长期徒刑。
- They were much more realistic about its long term commercial prospects. 他们对它的长远商业前景更为现实。
- Secular factors are more long term in nature. 长期因素却是长期的。
- Long term problems with pollution has made Japanese scientists leading authorities on algal blooms. 长期的污染问题使日本科学家在研究海藻过剩方面居世界领先水平。
- What are your short and long term goals? 你对于短期和长期的目标是什么?
- Is Fiber Supplement Suitable For Long Term Use? 纤维补充剂是否可长期食用?
- Real estate is a long term investment. 房地产是一项长期投资。
- All this is important for our long term future. 这些对我们日后的长远发展,至为重要。
- The proposal is OK in long term hold. 建议可以中长线持有。