- Lizards have four legs and a long tail. 蜥蜴有四条腿和一条长尾巴。
- I have no leg, but I have a long tail. 我没有腿,但是我有一条长尾巴。
- That cat with a long tail is mine. 那长尾巴的猫是我的。
- I have no leg,but I have a long tail. 我没有腿,但是我有一条长尾巴。
- The aircraft has a long tail fin. 那架飞机有一个长长的尾翼。
- The monkey has a long tail,a very long tail. 猴子有一条长尾巴,一条很长的尾巴。
- Below let us explore the long tail phenomenon. 下面就让我们对长尾现象进行探索。
- I had no legs, but I had a long tail. 我没有腿,但我有一条长长的尾巴。
- The little monkey has a long tail. 这只小猴有一条长尾巴。
- The native breed-Small tail sheep (SFTS) was studied on properties and quality of meat in a two factors experiment at multiple levels with repeated observations. 本研究以我国著名的优良地方品种小尾寒羊为研究对象 ,采用二因子多水平有重复的试验设计 ,对其不同年龄 ( 1 2月龄和 1 8月龄 )和不同解剖部位 (背最长肌和股二头肌 )肉品的理化性状和食用品质进行了深入研究。
- To run the factory, he had his house a monkey with a long tail. 为使工厂运转起来,他把房子都抵押上了。
- I got a new kite shaped like a diamond with a long tail. 我得到一个新的风筝,形状像一颗有长尾巴的钻石
- Use a bid management tool to manage the long tail of your campaign. 使用竞价管理工具去管理你的广告活动的长尾效应。
- Pulled Long Tail! Can Personalized Portal Be A Killer Application? 00被拉粗的“长尾”!个性化门户能否成为杀手级应用?
- Well, it had beady little eyes and a long tail, and went like this. 咳,它长着圆亮的小眼睛和长尾巴,走起来就像这样。
- A lemur is a monkey-like animal with a long tail and large eyes. 狐猴是一种有着长尾巴和大眼睛的类猴动物。
- The monkey has a long tail,a long tail, a long tail. 猴子有一条长尾巴,一条长尾巴,一条长尾巴。
- The Long Tail: When is my industry going to stop lying? 长尾巴:当是我的产业前往停止说谎?
- Lego : Oah my dear brother, your long tail is so so tempting to me! 乐高:葛格,可是你的长尾巴真的好吸引人。
- But they end up with a long tail of lossmaking funds. 但是最终他们会有大量的亏损的基金。