- Her opposition to the plan is of long standing. 她对这一计划的反对是旷日持久的。
- This is a firm of long standing. 这是一家历史悠久的商号。
- These included Cuba that was disappointed the document not criticize the long standing US embargo against the Communist run island. 这些国家包括古巴,该国对声明中没有批评美国针对这个由共产党领导的岛国长期的港口封锁表示遗憾。
- This is an evil of long standing. 这弊端由来已久。
- They have a friendship of long standing. 他们有着多年的交情。
- Their acquaintance was of long standing. 他们相识多年。
- We have had a long standing relationship. 我们很久前就认识了。
- They are enemies of long standing. 他们是维持了很久的仇敌。
- Cataract may result from long standing diabetes. 长期的糖尿病可能会引起白内障。
- You can never trade with a country you are at war, or have a trade embargo with. 你不能和正和你处于战争中或对你有禁运的国家做贸易.
- That business partnership is of long standing. 那生意上的合理经营维持了很久。
- The country is suffering from a crippling trade embargo and is locked in a war of words with its neighbour, Russia. 该国正在遭受严峻的贸易禁运并深深陷入了与其邻国俄罗斯的口舌之争。
- Their friendship is of long standing. 他们的友谊维持了很久。
- When persuasion fails, the Security Council can take stronger action, such as imposing economic sanctions or declaring a trade embargo. 如果劝导失败,安全理事会可采取更强烈的行动,如实行经济制裁或宣布贸易禁令。
- Their relationship is of long standing. 他们的关系维持了很久。
- But Washington so far has resisted taking further bigger steps like canceling trade embargo to this island. 但目前华盛顿拒绝采取进一步更有力的措施,如取消对这一岛国的贸易禁运。
- The Times is a paper of long standing. 《泰晤士报》历史悠久。
- Washington imposed a trade embargo against Cuba in 1960 and broke off diplomatic relations some months later. 1960年,美国政府对古巴实施贸易禁运,几个月后断绝了与古巴的邦交。
- There was a long standing ovation. 全体起立,长时间鼓掌。
- Some officials used the event to put down the US trade embargo against the country. 一些官员借此事件谴责美国对古巴实行的贸易出口禁止条令。