- This is just what I have long sought after. 这就是我找寻了很久的东西。
- This is just what we have long sought for. 这正是我们很久以来要找的东西。
- This is just what I have long sought for. 这正是我好久以来要找的东西。
- Scientists have long sought to build lasers from silicon. 多年来,科学家一直想用矽制造出雷射光。
- These we have long sought in peacetime without time do we all can do enough. 这些我们向往已久在平时却没有时间做的事我们都可以一次做个够。
- Jerusha's eyes longingly sought the door. 乔若莎的眼睛渴望的往门口探索。
- Whenever we sin let us hasten to the mercy seat of our God, seeking pardon. 所以,我们一旦犯错,让我们赶紧来到施恩宝座前,求祂的饶恕。
- He goes about all day long seeking for a good job. 为了得到一份满意的工作,他终日里东奔西走。
- "It is the declaration of Cardinal Spada, and the will so long sought for," replied Edmond, still incredulous. “这就是红衣主教斯帕达的声明,也就是人们找了那么久的遗嘱吗?”唐太斯问道,他心里依旧是半信半疑的。
- Labor policy has long sought to challenge the Treasury's dominance in government. 工党的政策长期谋求挑战财政部在政府中的支配地位。
- Inachus recognized it,and,discovering that his daughter whom he had long sought in vain was hidden under this disguise,mourned over her. 伊那刻斯辩认出这个名字,发现他寻找多日而未得见的女儿原来竟被伪装失去了原形,他不禁悲恸起来。
- Inachus recognized it, and, discovering that his daughter whom he had long sought in vain was hidden under this disguise, mourned over her. 伊那刻斯辩认出这个名字,发现他寻找多日而未得见的女儿原来竟被伪装失去了原形,他不禁悲恸起来。
- Mr Turk has long sought an audience with Mr Erdogan, but never had one because he refuses to label the PKK as “terrorist”. 图克长期以来一直寻求机会拜会埃尔多安,但由于他拒绝将库尔德工人党界定为“恐怖分子”而始终未能如愿。
- Humankind has long sought warmth, family, and joy during the dark days of winter. And year after year, Christmas delivers. 人类一直以来在冬季黑暗的日子里寻求温暖、家庭和欢乐。而年复一年,圣诞节为人带来这些东西。。
- The compounds 1 and 2 probably are the long sought, biological precursor sterols of living organisms for organic matter in the subsurface. 我们认为这类化合物的产生源于其甾类前体在微生物作用下的转化,化合物1和2正是我们长期一直所寻找的存在于地质沉积物中的芳香化甾体在活的生物体中的甾类前体。
- So he went into the room, and when he came to the Bed, he saw that the wolf was lying in it. Do I find you here, you old sinner, said he. I have long sought you. 猎人进了屋,来到床前时却发现躺在那里的竟是狼。“你这老坏蛋,我找了你这么久,真没想到在这里找到你!”
- Aware of the importance of extracellular matrix, tissue engineers have long sought an ideal substitute to serve as a platform for growing living tissues. 组织工程学家了解到细胞外间质的重要性后,就一直在找寻一种理想的替代品,以做为活体组织生长的基台。
- Sixth, secure jobs are no longer sought after, but those requiring energy and drive are preferred. 第六点,稳定的工作已经不被批准,快速活力的工作被追求。
- Secure jobs are no longer sought after,but those requiring energy and drive are preferred. 稳定的工作已经不被批准,快速活力的工作被追求。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。