- 3 Dimensional Long reached Well Drilling Technology for QK 18 1 4DS Well QK18-1-4DS三维大位移井钻井技术
- The hindquarters reach well forward and stretch far back, enabling the stride to be long and the drive powerful. 一个狗在各个方面保持和谐,比一部分非常优秀,而另一部分很差要更可取。
- As a boxer, his long reach gives him a significant advantage. 作为拳击运动员,他出拳距离长是他很大的优势。
- Use shears with a long reach for cutting high hedges. 用长柄大剪刀修剪高树篱。
- One would need a long reach to be able to touch the ceiling. 必须把手伸得很长才能够到天花板。
- The extended reach well has such chara cteristics as large horizontal displacement,great deviation angle and long open hole interval. 大位移井具有长水平位移、大井斜角以及长裸眼段的特点。大位移井钻井过程中摩阻扭矩的预测和控制是成功地钻成大位移井的关键因素之一。
- The cold weather has reached well into the spring. 严寒的天气已延续到春天很久。
- Although the scientific focus so far has been on vegetation, the wolf seems to have an incredibly long reach into other parts of the Yellowstone food web as well. 虽然目前为止,科学研究的焦点都在植被上,但灰狼对黄石公园其他的食物网似乎也有不可思议的影响,其中影响最剧的是草原狼。
- Drilling Fluids Techniques of High Angle, Extended Reach Well in Zhuangxi Area. 桩西地区大斜度延伸井钻井液技术。
- His long reach is his best weapon right now, bothering dribblers and shooters. Bryant plays the passing lanes reasonably well, especially if he is not guarding a primary scorer. 臂展是他最有利的武器,不管你是想上篮还是跳投,他都不会让你轻松完成。布赖恩特防突破防得相当好,尤其是被防守的不是第一得分手的时候。
- He has a longer reach than I have,so he can climb better. 他的手臂比我长,所以他爬得比我快。
- He has a longer reach than I have, so he can climb better. 他的手臂比我长,所以他爬得比我快。
- HFO+PFC leads more rapidmy to reach best gas exchange and Cdyn. HFO +PFC组可使HFO在更短的时间内达到最佳气体交换状态。
- Those settlements might reach well over $1 billion, says litigation consultant James Newman. 诉讼顾问詹姆斯·纽曼表示,后的判决可能会超过10亿美元。
- HFO PFC leads more rapidmy to reach best gas exchange and Cdyn. HFO +PFC组可使HFO在更短的时间内达到最佳气体交换状态。
- The forelegs reach well ahead as if to pull in the ground without giving the appearance of a hackney gait. 尾巴:尾根位置与臀部相平,更象是背线的自然延伸。根部结实,尖端细,且精巧。长度差不多能够延伸到飞节。
- Drag/torque prediction is a key technique of drilling an Extended Reach Well successfully. 井下摩阻/扭矩预测是大位移井钻井成功的关键技术之一。
- His long reach to deny Abel Xavier's header drew many plaudits.'It's very important for the goalkeeper to have a good save to help your team mates,' he explained. 他飞身扑出萨维尔的头球赢得了满堂喝彩,对此切赫表示:“对于一名门将来说,重要的是你要通过漂亮的扑救来帮助你的队友。
- ICBMs have the longest reach, but how about the moon or Mars for target? 能射到火星?