- long summer overcomes winter 长夏胜冬
- We have a long summer and a short winter in Guangzhou. 广州的夏天长,冬天短。
- They lazed away the long summer days. 他们懒懒散散地混过了漫长的夏天。
- The long summer holiday stretched ahead (of them). 漫长的暑假就在(他们的)眼前.
- The long summer vacation is over. 漫长的暑假结束了。
- The long summer holiday stretched ahead(of them). 漫长的暑假就在(他们的)眼前.
- We fell into the same groove over the long summer. 我们按照过去的办法度过漫漫炎夏。
- I enjoy the long summer evenings. 我喜欢夏季经常的傍晚。
- This was their closest approach to intimacy during their long Summer idyll. 在他们这段漫长的诗一样的夏日生活中,这是他们最亲密的一次接触了。
- I cheered up at the thought of the long summer holiday. 一想到漫长的暑假我就高兴起来了。
- Hurstwood shifted by curious means through a long summer and fall. 赫斯渥好歹通过一些稀奇古怪的方式,熬过了一个漫长的夏季和秋季。
- Kanas Lake is a winter cold temperate climate, long summer without winter, spring and autumn connected, the average July temperature of 15.9 degrees, is suitable for Lin boreal forest growth. 喀纳斯湖属寒温带高寒气候,长冬无夏,春秋相连,七月平均气温15.;9度;非常适宜寒温带林林木的生长。
- With the north side higher than the south, Guangzhou has mountains, plains and hills mixed within its area.Located in the subtropics it enjoys long summer, warm winter, ample rain and mild climate. 广东地势北高南低,境内山地、平原、丘陵交错,地处亚热带,夏长冬暖,雨量充沛,气候温和。
- Many city schools wanted a shorter year and a longer summer break. 许多城市的学校希望学年短,假期长。
- During these long summer visits he had soaked himself in the traditions and customs of the place. 在长时间的参观过程中,他已把自己完全沉醉在这个地方的传统和习惯之中。
- Teachers have long summer vacations. That's nice. I'd rather not make a big career change now. I like what I'm doing. 老师有很长的暑假,挺不错的。我现在不愿意在事业上有太大的变动,我挺喜欢现在的职业。
- During these long summer visits he had soaked himself in the traditions and customs of the place . 在长时间的参观过程中,他已把自己完全沉醉在饮赏这个地方的传统和习惯之中。
- Critics also say a long summer vacation causes students to forget much of what they learned. 批评家们也说一个长的暑假会使学生忘记很多他们所学到的知识。
- I did not stop until one long summer had ended, a fall had taken its place, and Boo Radley had come out. 我读啊读,一直读到漫漫长夏结束,秋天慢慢来临,读到书中的另一个主角布?拉德力出场。
- He nursed the house plants through a long winter. 在漫长的冬季他一直精心照料室内盆栽植物。