- It should be noted here, that both Lilith and the Second Wife are free from any curse of the Tree of Knowledge, as they left long before the event occurred. 应当要留意的是,莉莉丝和第二位妻子都免于知识树的任何诅咒,因为她们离开了很久,事件才发生。
- Old Joe went to heaven long before the World. 老乔在第二次世界大战以前就早已经见上帝去了。
- The assembly hall was overcrowded long before the performance began. 演出开始前,大会堂里早已挤得水泄不通了。
- He tired long before the match was over. 比赛结束前他就觉得累了。
- It was not long before the whole country rose up. 没过多久,全国就举行了起义。
- It was not long before the imbibing began to tell. 很快,喝酒喝得有效果了。
- For a while that book was indeed very popular, but it was not long before the demand petered out. 那本书的确风行一时,可是不久就变得没有什么销路了。
- Several candidates had been manoeuvring for position long before the leadership became vacant. 领导职位尚未空缺,几个竞争者早就在为向上爬而钩心斗角了。
- We watched the events unroll before the cameras. 我们眼看着事态的发展一一呈现在镜头前。
- It was not long before the fire was put out. 不久大火就被扑灭了。
- It was not long before the plane left off. 时间不久飞机就起飞了。
- It was not long before the war broke out. 不久战争就爆发了。
- It wasn't long before the firemen arrived. 没过多久消防队员就到达了。
- Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. 在月亮还未升起时,爆竹已被点燃!
- Will it be long before the performance begins? 离表演开始还很久吗?
- The concert by Queen was a sell-out six weeks before the event. 王后举办的音乐会入场券于6个星期前就销售一空。
- Long before the Exodus a Tatar spat in his blood. 在以色列人出埃及前很久,一个鞑靼人便朝他的血液里哗过唾沫。
- It was not long before the submarine submerged. 潜水艇很快就没入水中。
- Be sure that the statement is executed before the event can be raised. 请确保在引发此事件之前执行该语句。
- The itch to travel begins long before the teenaged years. 孩提时就渴望旅游。