- logistics in Northeast Asia 东北亚物流
- And also an important stopover for migrant birds in Northeast Asia. 也是东北亚重要的鸟类迁徙停歇地。
- Khanka wetland is the biggest passage in northeast Asia for bird migration. 兴凯湖湿地是东北亚最大的候鸟迁徙通道,也是迄今为止中国惟一的一个国际性自然保护区。
- The Yalu River Wetlands Nature Reserve is an important stopover for migrant birds in Northeast Asia. 鸭绿江湿地自然保护区是东北亚重要的鸟类迁徙停歇地。
- I believe that in spite of its heterogeneity, Asians who live in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia, do share certain personal and societal values. 我认为亚洲虽是多元化的地区,居住在东北亚和东南亚的亚洲人确实共同分享一些个人的和社会的价值观。
- I believe that in spite of its heterogeneity,Asians who live in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia,do share certain personal and societal values. 我认为亚洲虽是多元化的地区,居住在东北亚和东南亚的亚洲人确实共同分享一些个人的和社会的价值观。
- With continuous development of economic cooperation in northeast Asia,regional population and labor migration becomes more and more animate. 随着东北亚区域经济合作的发展,区域内人口与劳动力迁移变得越来越活跃。
- It is important for the U.S. now to seek to transform its role from a power to contain North Korea to a force to help maintain peace in Northeast Asia. 对美国来说,它的角色现在应该转换了,即从已往发挥的对朝遏制力量换成韩半岛以及东北亚地区维护和平的力量。
- The says the growth in patent filings by several countries in northeast Asia confirms shifting patterns of innovation around the world. 世界知识产权组织指出,东北亚国家申报专利的数量快速增加,正在扭转世界发明创新的大趋势。
- Jiamusi,located in the east of Heilongjiang Province, is the most eastern city in China, known as the gateway in northeast Asia to Russia and the east pole of China. 佳木斯市位于黑龙江省东部,是中国最东部的城市,也是通往俄罗斯,连接东北亚的桥头堡,被誉为“华夏东极”。
- Institutionalization of the US policy toward DPRK and the latter's uncompromising attitude will make security situation in Northeast Asia be faced with a severer trial. 美国政策的制度化和朝鲜的不妥协政策将使东北亚安全局势面临更为严峻的考验。
- The trend in recent years shows not only the necessity of establishing the joint security cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia, but also the reality and possibility. 从近年的发展趋势来看,不仅孕育着东北亚共同安全合作机制建立的必要性,也存在着广泛的现实性、可能性。
- China unswervingly endeavors to bring about denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, oppose nuclear proliferation and safeguard peace and stability in Northeast Asia. 答:中国一直坚定不移地致力于实现朝鲜半岛无核化,反对核扩散,维护东北亚地区的和平与稳定。
- Eastern Yi in Qin and Han dynasties mainly refers to those tribes or states in Northeast Asia, such as Puyo, Yilou, Chosen, Koguryo, Okcho, Hui and Samhan. 摘要东夷在秦汉时代主要指夫余、挹类、朝鲜、高句骊、沃沮、濊、三韩等部族或政权。
- Compared with other places in Northeast Asia, the mayfly fauna of the Japanese archipelago on the specific composition represents some unique, it may due to long-term isolation. 本研究中的所有标本除文中已有标注外均保存于南京师范大学生命科学学院标本馆。
- Regional labor migration boosts the development and utilization of China's human resource,and it is good for economic exchange and cooperation in Northeast Asia. 通过区域内劳动力迁移,促进我国人力资源的开发和利用,有利于进一步推动东北亚区域的经济交流与合作。
- China, Japan and Korea all lie in Northeast Asia, there is an overbalance of petroleum reservation and each of them has its own advantage in petroleum resources. 中、日、韩三国同在东北亚地区,石油资源储量贫富不一,石油自身优势不尽相同。
- Thus, the two sides need to strengthen coordination and cooperation in a concerted effort to safeguard peace and stability in Northeast Asia, to promote a regional cooperative process and invigorate Asia. 中国的发展主要靠自己,中国发展了会对周边和整个世界的发展做出应有的贡献,我们将坚持科学发展、谐发展、平发展,努力把中国建设成为富强、主、明、谐的现代化国家。
- The security structure in Northeast Asia, which has been instable since the end of the Cold War, is expounded in offensive realism, especially in the theory about balancing and buck?passing. 东北亚安全结构在冷战后呈现不稳定状态,进攻性现实主义关于建立均势和推卸责任的理论对东北亚安全竞争进行了较为全面深刻的理论分析。
- With this in mind, we should maintain close coordination and cooperation, make joint effort to uphold peace and stability in Northeast Asia and promote East Asia regional cooperation, thus contributing to the invigoration of Asia. 我们需要以这样的眼光,加强协调与合作,共同维护东北亚的和平与稳定,推进东亚区域合作进程,致力于亚洲的振兴。