- logistics enterprise business 物流企业经营
- How Logistics Enterprise to Enlarge its Profit Resources? 本期话题:物流企业如何扩大利润来源?
- The rich-experienced management have made Pantos become an activey,and reliable logistics enterprise. 此外,我们拥有富有管理经验的管理层,令?韩物流有限公司成为一间可靠兼且活力十足的物流企业。
- The virtual logistics enterprise is one kind of new organization for adapting to marketplace environment of competition. 摘要虚拟物流企业是为适应市场竞争环境而形成的一种新的组织形式。
- They must also be willing to adjust both funding priorities and the enterprise business strategy, if necessary. 如果必要的话,他们必须还要乐于调整投资优先级和企业商业策略。
- Through using advanced marketing means and facility, Middle and small logistics enterprise will be in advantageously position in market competition. 使用先进的营销手段,采用先进技术设备的中小物流企业将在市场竞争中处于更加有利的地位。
- "We are all doing business descent, you can ask the logistics enterprises, the Lao Daye asked Chuan Dashi Xizhimojie these things to understand the specific situation. “我们都是做企业出身的,可以通过问企业的物流商,问传达室的老大爷这些细枝末节的东西来了解企业的具体情况。”
- The contribution of capital shall be made within months upon the issuance of the enterprise business license. 自营业执照签发之日起个月内缴清注册资本。
- Finally pointed out when the employee turnover to logistics enterprise to bring losses, how to use "leverage" effect theory with positive influence. 最后指出当员工离职给物流企业带来损失时,如何利用“杠杆”效应理论施以积极的影响。
- Management of taxation of enterprises business transactions. 关联企业业务往来的税务处理、
- The quantified resource integrative performance evaluation can directly reflect the harmony of resource in logistics enterprise. 摘要将资源整合绩效进行数量化评价能直观反应物流企业的资源协调状况。
- To the characteristics of third-party logistics enterprise premised on building its customer relationship management, the necessity and importance. 以第三方物流企业的特点为前提,阐述了其建设客户关系管理的必要性和重要性。
- This paper can be of instructive significance to the building of the virtual logistics enterprise's information platform. 结果对于虚拟物流企业公共信息平台的建立具有一定的指导意义。
- A solid and well-conceived enterprise business strategy identifies a survival order of needs and defines goals to meet them. 一个可靠的且构思良好的企业商业策略确定需求的存在顺序,并定义了满足需求的目标。
- With review and discussion, the business evolves an understanding of its goals and records these in an enterprise business strategy document. 通过审阅和讨论,商家发展了对其目标的理解并将这些记录在企业商业策略文档中。
- For example, suppose the enterprise business strategy assigns a priority of 3 to the goal of improve internal administrative efficiency. 例如,设想企业商业策略分配优先级3给改进的内部管理效率的目标。
- The developmenttrend and the third party of our country at present who have analyzed thirdparty"s logistics enterprise logistics develops one"s own existing problem. 分析(?)第三方物流企业的发展趋势以及目前我国第三方物流发展自身存在的问题。
- Some organizations do a good job of constructing an enterprise business strategy by identifying needs and weighting them for importance and impact. 一些组织可以通过确定需求并按重要性和影响为需求加权来很好地编制企业商业策略。
- Allocation and consumption of all resource types reflects the components and their relative weights in the enterprise business strategy. 分配和消耗所有类型的资源反映出构件及其关系在企业商业策略中的权重。
- The Third-Party Logistics enterprises should quicken business administration and services innovation, thus acclimatize themselves to the government policy regulation and the macro-circumstance of WTO. 要加快第三方物流企业经营管理与服务创新,适应政府发展政策调整和WTO的宏观环境。