- hypothesized logistics enterprise alliance 虚拟物流企业联盟
- Virtual logistics enterprise alliance establishment 虚拟物流联盟建立
- virtual logistics enterprises alliance 虚拟物流企业联盟
- Based A-prefer-DEA and Gray Relation Analysis on Virtual Logistics Enterprise Alliance Establishment 基于带偏好DEA和灰色关联的虚拟物流企业联盟的建立
- logistics enterprise alliance 物流企业联盟
- How Logistics Enterprise to Enlarge its Profit Resources? 本期话题:物流企业如何扩大利润来源?
- The virtual enterprise alliance body is a huge and open system with complexity in operating platform, corporate governance and resource conformity. 摘要虚拟企业联盟体是一个复杂开放的巨系统,表现为运行平台的复杂性、公司治理的复杂性和资源整合的复杂性。
- With numbers of enterprise alliance multiplied, enterprise investment will decrease and profits of allied enterprise are increased. 随着企业联盟数量的增多,组建联盟的企业的投入成本减少,利润增大。
- The rich-experienced management have made Pantos become an activey,and reliable logistics enterprise. 此外,我们拥有富有管理经验的管理层,令?韩物流有限公司成为一间可靠兼且活力十足的物流企业。
- The confidence degree of enterprise alliance was studied,so the simplified calculating method was set up for big alliance. 对联盟成立后总联盟置信度的算法进行了研究,提出了大型联盟置信度的简化算法。
- The virtual enterprise alliance body is a huge and open system with complexity in operating platform,corporate governance and resource conformity. 虚拟企业联盟体是一个复杂开放的巨系统,表现为运行平台的复杂性、公司治理的复杂性和资源整合的复杂性。
- The virtual logistics enterprise is one kind of new organization for adapting to marketplace environment of competition. 摘要虚拟物流企业是为适应市场竞争环境而形成的一种新的组织形式。
- This is deepening and develops of the dynamic alliance"s theoretical research, and having very important realistic meaning to solve risk problems of enterprise alliance. 是对企业动态联盟理论研究的深入和发展,也对解决企业间联盟的风险问题具有十分重要的现实意义。
- Through using advanced marketing means and facility, Middle and small logistics enterprise will be in advantageously position in market competition. 使用先进的营销手段,采用先进技术设备的中小物流企业将在市场竞争中处于更加有利的地位。
- In establishing the Communist enterprise alliance, the principles of “free will, capacity, equality, sharing, naturalness and complementation” should be stuck to. 建设共产企业联盟必须坚持“自愿、量力、平等、共享、自然、互补”的原则。
- Finally pointed out when the employee turnover to logistics enterprise to bring losses, how to use "leverage" effect theory with positive influence. 最后指出当员工离职给物流企业带来损失时,如何利用“杠杆”效应理论施以积极的影响。
- The quantified resource integrative performance evaluation can directly reflect the harmony of resource in logistics enterprise. 摘要将资源整合绩效进行数量化评价能直观反应物流企业的资源协调状况。
- Modeling technology based on object-oriented analysis and design is applied to deal with the complexity of the virtual enterprise alliance body to launch a smoother operation. 引入面向对象分析方法,通过建模解决虚拟企业联盟体运行复杂性的问题,使虚拟企业联盟体能够更好的运行。
- To the characteristics of third-party logistics enterprise premised on building its customer relationship management, the necessity and importance. 以第三方物流企业的特点为前提,阐述了其建设客户关系管理的必要性和重要性。