- She paces the whole class in English study. 她在学习英语方面为全班树立榜样。
- She excels the rest of the class in English. 她的英文在班上胜过任何同学。
- He paced the whole class in English examination. 英语测验中他名列全班第一。
- He is far ahead of his class in English . 他的英语在班里远远超过其他人。
- I took an honors class in English. 我选了一个英语优等班课程。
- I'm leading the class in English this semester. 这学期是我主授这门英文课。
- She is at the top of our class in English. 她是我们班英语成绩最高的学生。
- He is far ahead of his class in English. 他的英语远胜于班上的其他同学。
- logistics class in English 物流英语课堂
- He was always bottom of the class in maths. 他的数学成绩在班上总是垫底。
- The night school has started up classes in English, French and German. 夜校开设了英文班、法文班以及德文班。
- She took a first class in Oxford. 她在牛津大学获得头等优异成绩。
- She took a first in English at Leeds. 她在利兹时英语获得优等。
- He's behind the rest of the class in reading. 他在阅读方面不如班上的其他同学。
- The teacher drilled the class in pronunciation. 老师训练学生发音。
- Is he going to lecture in English? 他准备用英语讲课吗?
- In English, b, p, m and w are bilabials. 英语中的b、p、m、w为双唇音。
- Have you get a contract in english? 请问合同有没有英文本?
- The girl got well ahead of the rest of the class in painting. 这个女孩子在绘画方面远远胜过班上其他的同学。
- I major in French and minor in English. 我学习的主科是法语,副科是英语。