- logic design data 逻辑设计数据
- Logic design of digital circuits in practice II. 数字电路与逻辑设计实训教程2。
- Digital circuit and logic design II. 数字电路与逻辑设计学习指导与题解2。
- Some design data and mill examples are listed. 本文介绍了一些设计参数与工厂实例。
- Logic design of priority encoder by restraining redundancy. 抑制冗余优先编码器的逻辑设计。
- Use Dreamweaver MX to design data collecting platform. 2) 利用DREAMWEAVER MX设计数据录入平台
- Vie design data mining tools based on three level structure of Clientj Server. 本文设计了一个基于C/S结构的数据采掘工具。 该工具采掘的数据源是银行卡系统的业务数据。
- Tightly integrated with important concepts covered in the Digital Logic Design course. 每一个实验都紧紧的综合那些数字逻辑设计课程所涉及的重要概念。
- The ability of an electronic design data base to recognize connections by association of data. Connectivity facilitates design automation and CAM processing. 一个电子设计数据库通过数据联系去识别连接的能力。连通性有助于设计自动化和计算机辅助制造。
- DIETMEYER D. Logic design of digital systems. 3rd ed[M].Boston : Allyn and Bacon, Inc,1998 . 华东师范大学数学系控制理论研究室.;现代控制理论引论[M]
- The application of CPLD in this logic design, simply the hardware, and enable ease of the LCD to use portably. 为了避免交叉显示,使用了运算放大器分压电路作为偏压电路;
- Designable data sources are bound by instance rather than by type. 可设计的数据源通过实例而不是类型进行绑定。
- This is a very good paper and presents important results on the limits to placement and routing of a logic design to a CMOL nanogrid structure. 评语大意:这是一篇非常好的论文,显示了CMOL结构下布局布线所受的约束。这项研究意义重大,因为CMOL结构很有希望成为第一个在商业上实现的纳米工艺。
- In this case, the values are colors you might choose to design data entry forms for a database. 在本例中,值是可以选择用来设计数据库的数据输入窗体的颜色。
- This paper is focus on the building and analysis of the workflow system, the logic design of the workflow system and the developing system modeling. 本文的研究集中于对工作流系统的模型建立及分析,以及工作流系统的逻辑设计与系统原型的开发。
- The preliminary design data for the k APPA-DX rocket motor is presented in this web page. 初步设计数据的K appa -的DX火箭发动机是在这方面的网页。
- The control mode, logic design, and test situation of run back (RB) for 300MW unit in Huaneng Dezhou Power Plant have been presented. 摘要对华能德州电厂300MW机组RB控制方式、逻辑设计和试验情况进行了介绍。
- When the gas flow rate is less than design data normal pigging methods can not be used. 长输天然气管道输量较低时,管线无法进行正常的清管作业。
- The Karnaugh Map had been one of the mathematic tools in electronic logic design, but its procedures were complicated and easy to deduce mistakes. 摘要卡诺图是数字电路中化简逻辑函数的一种常用的数学工具,但在运用过程中十分繁琐且易出错。
- Design data are stored primarily as vector data;geographic data consist of a combination of vector and raster data. 设计数据基本上是以矢量数据的形式存储,而地理数据则包含矢量数据和光栅数据。