- In this case, you do not have to have a log backup. 在这种情况下,不必准备日志备份。
- The time and date of the last log backup operation. 上一次日志备份操作的时间和日期。
- This parameter identifies a transaction mark in the log backup. 此参数在日志备份中标识一个事务标记。
- The database must be recovered to the end of a transaction log backup. 必须将数据库恢复到事务日志备份的结尾。
- We recommend starting then because the first log backup can take a long time. 之所以建议在此时开始备份,是因为第一个日志备份会花费较长的时间。
- This can slow down database startup and also log backup and restore operations. 这会降低数据库启动以及日志备份和还原操作的速度。
- Apply the transaction log backup that was created at 5:10 A.M. On Wednesday. 应用星期三凌晨5:10创建的事务日志备份。
- Some time after the Log_2 log backup, data loss occurs in the database. 在Log_2日志备份后的某个时间,数据库出现数据丢失。
- A bulk log backup includes log and data pages changed by bulk operations. 批量日志备份包括由批量操作更改的日志和数据页。
- Restoring a log backup rolls forward all pages in the roll forward set. 还原日志备份将对前滚集中的所有页进行前滚。
- This can make the log backups very large. 这会使日志备份非常大。
- A tail-log backup is a log backup taken right before restoring a database, typically after a failure on the database. 尾日志备份指在还原数据库之前(通常在数据库出现故障之后)执行的日志备份。
- Before you can create the first log backup, you must create a full backup, such as a database backup. 在创建第一个日志备份之前,您必须先创建一个完整备份(如数据库备份)。
- The Database Engine might prevent you from reusing a name until you take a log backup. 数据库引擎可能会在进行日志备份之前阻止您重新使用名称。
- For each extent updated by a bulk-logged operation since the last log backup, the bit is set to 1 in the bitmap. 对于自上次日志备份后由大容量日志操作所更新的每个区,在位图中将每个位都设置为1。
- However, first, at least one log backup must be taken on the principal database. 但是,首先在主体数据库中必须至少执行一个日志备份。
- If the tail of the log is damaged, changes since the most recent log backup must be redone. 如果日志尾部损坏,则必须重做自最新日志备份之后所做的更改。
- Typically, the transaction log is truncated after every conventional log backup. 通常,事务日志在每次常规日志备份之后截断。
- If you need to remove the log backup chain from a database, switch to the simple recovery model. 如果需要从数据库删除日志备份链,请切换到简单恢复模式。
- This post-data-restore log backup captures the point at which the file was taken offline. 这个数据还原后的日志备份将捕获文件变为离线时的点。