- Data from the survey were then used to examine mode and parking location choices with the nested logit models. 所蒐集资料用以分析运具和机车停车区位选择行为,采用模式为巢式罗吉特。
- In recent years,Japan and South Korea investment center moving southward shows the influence of the advantage upon the FDI location choices decreases. 近年来日韩投资重心不断南移表明,地缘优势对外资区位选择的影响程度在降低。
- The main result is that without the possibility of merger, the location choices of competitive firms are affected not only by complementarity, but by substitutability. 根据本模型,在完全不考虑互补产品厂商合并时,互补产品厂商的区位选择只受到竞争厂商的影响,与主产品厂商之区位选择无关。
- Therefore, government could draw firms in the main industry via intervening the surplus allocation but can t influence the location choices of firms in the secondary industries. 亦即,政府无法藉由干预剩馀分配的比例来影响次要产业的区位选择,但还是能透过干预政策影响主要产业的区位。
- Urban location choices rest with not only land's convenience, availability and traffic cost, but also the condition of informational establishment and intercommunicating environment. 城市的用地区位选择不仅取决于土地的便利性、有用性和交通成本,城市的信息基础设施、与外界信息的互联性也成为重要的选址区位因素。
- This paper addresses the relation between the responsibility of the firm, its locational choices and countries' environmental regulation. 本文研究企业的责任心、企业的区域选择及国家的环境规制之间的关系。
- Location choice is an important issue in outward FDI (ODI), but there's no perfecttheory about it. 区位选择是企业对外直接投资过程中的重要问题,但是其理论体系还不完善。
- This article makes some nominative analysis towards location choice of urban housing investment. 本文主要针对城市住宅开发投资的区位选择问题进行了规范的理论探讨。
- We will develop the theory of land markets and locational choice. 我们将详述土地市场和选址决策的理论。
- For establishment of enterprises or enterprise branches, the location choice for production and operation must be approved by the SAMCO. 设立企业或者企业分支机构的,其生产经营场所的选址应当征得市空港办的同意。
- Abstract: Knowledge spillover is an important variable which has an effect on location choice of production and innovation of a company. 文章摘要: 知识溢出效应是影响公司生产与创新区位选择的重要变量。
- You have several choices open to you. 有几种可能性供你选择。
- Location accessibility is the major consideration in location choice, and the distance decay function is a crucial factor in measuring location accessibility. 摘要区位接近度的概念是区位选择的重要指标,而距离衰落函数则是构成区位接近度的主要元素。
- Based on concept, origin, development and type of teleport, the paper analyzes teleport development and plan of western countries from location choice, development mode and identification. 文章在对西方信息港的概念、起源、发展与类型总结的基础上,从区位选择及空间布局、开发模式、信息港认定三个方面分析了西方城市信息港发展规划的进展。
- The film actors are on location in Japan. 电影演员在日本拍摄外景。
- Determinants of Residential Location Choice: How Important Are Local Public Goods in Attracting Homeowners to Central City Locations? 住宅区位选择的决定因素:地方公共物品在吸引居住者向中心城集聚中的重要性分析?
- Choose a central location for your house. 把你的家选在一个便利的地方。
- The town is a good location for a young doctor. 这个小镇很适宜于一位青年医生安家。
- This paper applies the econometrical models of location choice to make an empirical study of the country(area) effects of FDI agglomeration based on the data of Foreign Funded Enterprises(FFEs) in Jiangsu province. 中小型企业由于自身实力上的局限,对外投资的空间聚集特征更为明显,大型跨国公司往往是FDI聚集的始作俑者,而不是单纯的聚集跟随者,对外投资的聚集倾向相对较弱,甚至有可能做出避开竞争者聚集区的定位决策。
- With so many choices, it's hard to decide (what to buy). 有这麽多可选择的,真难决定(买什麽).