- local transaction error 本地交往, 本地事务处理
- The resource adaptor provides access to an embedded Derby database with local transaction support. 该资源适配器提供对带有本地事务支持的嵌入式Derby数据库的访问。
- If a global transaction is not present, the component will execute in the context of a local transaction. 如果不存在全局事务,则组件将在本地事务的上下文中执行。
- What is the difference between a local transaction and an XA transaction on the Application Server level? 在Application Server级别上本地事务与XA事务的不同点是什么?
- When REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS is OFF, remote stored procedure calls are not made part of a local transaction. 当REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS为OFF时,远程存储过程调用不能成为本地事务的一部分。
- At the application, a distributed transaction is managed much the same as a local transaction. 对于应用程序而言,管理分布式事务很像管理本地事务。
- The work done by the remote procedure is not rolled back if the local transaction is rolled back. 如果回滚本地事务,将不回滚由远程过程所完成的工作。
- BEGIN TRANSACTION starts a local transaction for the connection issuing the statement. BEGIN TRANSACTION为发出本语句的连接启动一个本地事务。
- A transaction considered to be a local transaction when it is a single-phase transaction and is handled by the database directly. 事务如果是单阶段事务,并且由数据库直接处理,则属于本地事务。
- With this option set on, a remote stored procedure call causes a local transaction to be promoted to a distributed transaction. 启用本选项后,远程存储过程调用会使一个本地事务被提升为分布式事务。
- If an activity session is not present, the component will execute in the context of the existing unit of work scope or a local transaction. 如果不存在活动会话,则组件会在现有的工作范围单元或本地事务的上下文中执行。
- The security demand affects the code that initiated the escalation, not necessarily the code that originally created the local transaction. 安全要求会影响启动升级的代码,但不一定会影响最初创建本地事务的代码。
- When OFF, calling remote stored procedures from a local transaction does not start a Transact-SQL distributed transaction. 设置为OFF时,从本地事务调用远程存储过程将不启动Transact-SQL分布式事务。
- Calls to remote stored procedures execute outside the scope of a local transaction if REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS is set to OFF. 如果将REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS设置为OFF,则对远程存储过程的调用将在本地事务的作用域之外执行。
- Error state 1 is used when the application performs an operation that creates local transactions, and state 2 is used when application tries to enlist to a bound session. 错误状态1在应用程序执行创建本地事务的操作时使用,状态2在应用程序尝试登记到绑定会话时使用。
- Specifies that when a local transaction is active, executing a remote stored procedure starts a Transact-SQL distributed transaction managed by Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). 指定当本地事务处于活动状态时,如果执行远程存储过程,将启动由Microsoft分布式事务处理协调器(MS DTC)管理的Transact-SQL分布式事务。
- Local transactions are typically managed explicitly by the application or automatically by the J2EE application server. 通常由此应用程序显式地管理本地事务,或由J2EE应用程序服务器自动管理。
- Independently, local transactions are executed under the control of the local DBMS. 在多数据库中,全局事务是在MDBS的控制下执行,局部事务在局部DBMS控制下独立执行。
- This qualifier only affects client global transactions because local transactions are never propagated to target components. 此限定符只影响客户端全局事务,因为本地事务从不传播到目标组件。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。