- In build and coat and brush he was a huge timber wolf. 从它的体形,毛皮和尾巴来看,它属于一种大灰狼。
- After the timber wolf ate his fill, he slept well with snores. 大灰吃饱后,便打起鼾睡着了。
- The hunter carried many stones to fully fill the timber wolf's belly, and sewed it again. 猎人搬来许多石头,把大灰狼的肚子填得满满的,又给它重新缝上了。
- This time, a hunter passed here by chance. He cut the timber wolf's belly and saved the Little Red Cap and her granny. 这时,一位猎人碰巧经过,他剪开了大灰狼的肚皮,救出了小红帽和奶奶。
- While the Little Red Cap was picking flowers, the timber wolf ran to the granny's house, pretending the Little Red Cap's voice to make the door open. 大灰狼趁小红帽去采花时,跑到奶奶家装作小红帽的声音,骗开了门。
- The timber wolf said to the Little Red Cap: "If you can pick up a bundle of flowers for your granny, she will certainly be happy. 大灰狼对小红帽说:“如果你能采一束鲜花给奶奶,她一定会很高兴的。
- After the timber wolf woke up, it felt rather thirsty. So he went to the river bank to drink, but he fell into the river carelessly and drowned. 大灰狼醒来后,觉得口特别干。于是,它到河边去喝水,一不小心就栽河里给淹死了。
- Revenue from snuff, sold under brands from Sweden's General to Timber Wolf in the U.S., gained 20 percent to 953 million kronor. 来自鼻烟的收入,从瑞典的将军品牌到美国的森林狼品牌,增长了20%25,达到了9.;53亿克朗。
- The Bloodhound can track a scent better, a German Shepherd guards better, a Greyhound is faster, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel fits much better on your lap than a Timber Wolf ever can! 猎犬能更好地跟踪气味,一只德国牧羊犬擅长守卫,灵狮的速度更快,并且骑士国王查尔斯狗比北美灰狼更适合放在您的膝下。
- Eastern timber wolf Canis lupus lycaon 东部森林狼
- On four legs, they resemble the great timber wolves that make the tundra their home. 当他们四足的时候,象来自冻土地带的森林巨狼。
- Shaun and his pack of North American timber wolves live here, at the Combe Martin Wildlife Park in England, about 200 miles southwest of London. Shaun和他的北美土狼群生活在英格兰,距离伦敦西南200英里远的科本马丁野生动物园。
- The firm's tender for the supply of timber has been accepted. 那家商号的供应木材投标已被接受。
- John's a lone wolf; never mucks in with the others. 约翰是一位单干的家伙,从不与别的人搞在一起。
- He's being talked up as presidential timber. 人们说他具有当总统的气质。
- He used to be a timber merchant. 他曾是一个木材商。
- Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times. 因为他多次谎发警报,现在谁也不会相信他遭难了。
- Peter is a good footballer, but he is a lone wolf. 彼得是个好足球队员,但他是个不与人合作的人。
- They staved off a wolf last night. 昨晚他们赶走了一只狼。
- The pups played with the mother wolf. 小狼们跟母狼玩耍。