- The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is twenty. 女孩的那些首饰将被托管到她二十岁为止。
- So this award is only mine in trust. 因此,这份奖金只不过是托我保管而已。
- The money is being held in trust for him until he is twenty-one. 这笔钱委托他人代管,到他二十一岁才能使用。
- She left money to her uncle to keep in trust for her children. 她把钱留给她的叔叔,请他替她的子女们保管。
- The company has agree to repay the loan in stage. 公司已同意分期偿还贷款。
- I will pay back the loan in ten years. 我的贷款要10年还清。
- I decided not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness. 因为她小气得出了名,我决定不找她借钱。
- The money is in trust until I'm twenty-five. 这钱由人代管到我25岁时为止。
- The money will be held in trust until she is 18. 这笔钱将由人代管到她18岁为止。
- Most of Spain's team was out on loan in someway. 这支西班牙队伍中大多数孩子都以某种形式被租借出去经受锻炼。”
- To put in trust or charge; entrust. 委托置于委托或托管人;信托
- To put in trust or charge;entrust. 委托置于委托或托管人;信托
- The estate is left in trust with a bank. 这房地产交给一家银行代管。
- In that case I'm afraid we can't grant you a loan in full. 那么恐怕我们不能给予你全数货款了。
- He left his property in trust for his grandchildren. 他将财产交他人为其孙子和孙女管理。
- Jeff: At this rate, we'll be able to pay back the loan in no time. 杰夫:照这种速度,我们很快就可以把贷款还清了。
- She is holding the property in trust for her nephew. 她受托代她侄儿保管财产。
- I left my dog in trust with a neighbour while I went on holiday. 我出外度假时把我的狗托邻居照料。
- Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant. 如前所述财产是托交上诉人管理的。
- The money your father left youwill be held in trust until youare21. 你父亲留下的钱会有人为你保管着,直到你年满21岁。