- The happening of brittleness is related to the load condition. 脆性的发生和电力线路的负载状况有关;
- A new non-linear constitutive model for normal consolidation soil under static loading condition is presented. 提出了一种新的、适用于正常固结土在静荷作用下的应力矢量型非线性本构模型。
- It is proved that there is no contradiction between biaxial stress ellipse theory and practical loading condition. 采用理论推导和计算方法,对套管轴向应力计算公式进行了讨论。
- When stabilizer doesn't connect with lamp, standing in no load condition, stabilizer stop working automatically. 当安定器未接灯泡,处于空载状态时,安定器自动停止工作。
- Abstract: In plane dynamic loading experiments, the velocity of flyer and state of impact are key parameters of loading condition. 文摘:平面动载实验中,飞片碰撞速度和碰撞状态是加载条件的一个基本描述。
- Because of its complicated loading condition, it is difficult to work out a precise solution for the ultimate capacity of RHS structure. 方管节点受力复杂,影响因素较多,故在分析它的极限承载力时很难得到精确的解析解,通常采用试验手段结合有限元数值模拟进行研究。
- Seed, H.B., etal, Clay Strength under Earthquake Loading Condition, Journal of the Soil Methinks and Foundation Division.ASCE, 92.SMZ, March, 1966. 郁寿松;石兆吉;等.;上海地铁隧道震陷的计算分析[J]
- What kind of load conditions will the server be under? 服务器将处于哪种负载条件下呢?
- Strain-gauge rosettes were attached to external surface of each implant and proximal femora.The loading condition simulated single-limb stance. 在假体和近端股骨表面粘贴应变片,模拟单肢站立施加载荷。
- The platuea stresses of honeycombs and their corresponding deformationmechanisms are analysed under in-plane uniaxial loading condition. 本文对弹塑性蜂窝材料面内单轴加载时的平台应力及其对应的变形模式进行了理论分析。
- However, the ZVS operation is difficult to achieve under light load condition for the AHB topology. 然而,对于非对称半桥拓朴而言,在轻载条件下,开关元件难以实现零电压切换操作。
- Regardless of vehicles"loading condition, the high of vehicles"body can basically maintain invariable or can adjust according to the need. 无论车辆装载情况如何,车身高度可以基本保持不变或可以根据需要进行调节。
- Inspected the soda wash condition, the activated charcoal loading condition, the adsorption condition to purify the effect the influence. 考察了碱洗条件、活性炭负载条件、吸附条件对精制效果的影响。
- In plane dynamic loading experiments, the velocity of flyer and state of impact are key parameters of loading condition. 平面动载实验中,飞片碰撞速度和碰撞状态是加载条件的一个基本描述。
- The solutions of the alleviative vibration are presented by the test research for the small load condition. 研究了大型混流式水轮机小负荷工况下运行的振动。
- It can be seen as a virtual test rig performing detailed studies of forces, moments etc. Inside a bearing under virtually any load condition. 可将它视为一个虚拟的测试装置,能够详细地研究几乎是在任何负荷情况下轴承内部的各种力和力矩等状况。
- For large elastoplastic deformation behavior with damage,the damage is generally anisotropic due to the external loading condition or the material nature itself. 对弹塑性大变形,由于外界载荷的作用和材料自身性能的影响,损伤常常表现为各向异性。
- Abstract: For large elastoplastic deformation behavior with damage, the damage is generally anisotropic due to the external loading condition or the material nature itself. 文章摘要: 对弹塑性大变形,由于外界栽荷的作用和材料自身性能的影响,损伤常常表现为各向异性。
- Secondly,according to loading condition obtained by analysis of electromagnetic field, the structure transient response of axial flux permanent magnet motor is analyzed. 其次利用电动机电磁场分析中得到的载荷条件对电动机进行了结构瞬态响应分析。
- The application of such technology greatly reduced the oil consumption and low load condition stable burning in lignite-fired burner. 结果表明,等离子点火系统性能稳定,能实现褐煤锅炉少油点火及低负荷稳燃。