- Dynamic characteristic test for generator set 发电机组动态特性试验
- First you must open a load test for editing. 首先,您必须打开一个负载测试以进行编辑。
- Running test and loading test for 4t provision crane. 4吨食物吊运转试验和吊重试验。
- Analyzed failing cause of mide-frequency to load voltage drop for generating set,provided regulated method of cable voltage-drop compensation device. 分析了发电机组中频加载掉电压故障发生的原因,提出了电缆压降补偿装置调整方法。
- The load test of main generator. 主发电机负载试验。
- Parallel-running test for main generator. 主发电机并联运行试验。
- Nonlinear load influence for generating set 非线性负载对发电机组的影响
- Test for taking on a full load suddenly. 突加负荷试验。
- Modification of capacity increment for generating set of Dahua hydropower station achieved by replacing core, coil of stator and increasing the turbine capacity. 大化水电站通过更换发电机定子铁芯和线圈并配合水轮机增容实现机组增容改造。
- These offer you a set of predefined counter sets for your load test. 该计数器集为您的负载测试提供了一组预定义计数器集。
- Load test for cargo handling gear 起货设备吊重试验
- Method of static load test for bus top 客车顶部静载试验方法
- Shanghai Copper Works, Condenser Division, specializes in condenser tube for generating set, which applies to power industry, mechanical and electrical area, automobile, and textile mill, shipping, metals and apparatus industries. 上海中鑫铜管工业有限公司所属的上海铜厂,是专门生产电厂发电机组用冷凝器铜管的企业,产品可应用于电力、机电、汽车、纺织、船舶、五金、仪表等行业。
- In the Load Test Editor, click the Load Pattern for the scenario. 在“负载测试编辑器”中,对于方案单击“负载模式”。
- Is this equipment tested for mechanical aptitude? 这台设备测定了其机械适应性了吗?
- Class to get or set load test parameters from user defined code. 类的属性获取或设置用户定义代码中的负载测试参数。使用。
- Our workshop turns out parts for generators. 我们车间生产发动机零件。
- You can monitor this set of data while your load test is running. 您可以在负载测试运行期间监视该数据集。
- Shall we begin the starting test for the generator now? 现在是否可以进行发电机动车试验?
- The acid test for a policeman is whether he can resist bribes. 能否抗拒贿赂对於警察是决定性的考验。