- llO meters hurdle 110m栏
- Zambia's Samel Matitle won first place in the 400 meter hurdle, with an achievement of 48.22 seconds. 赞比亚的萨姆埃尔·马泰特获得400米栏第一名,成绩为48秒22。
- The Russian competitor Ulier Kelaudin won the 100 meter hurdle gold medal, with an achievement of 12.62 seconds. 俄罗斯选手尤利娅·格劳丁获100米栏金牌,成绩为12秒62。
- Jackson maintained his undefeated record in this competition season, and clinched the gold medal for the 110 meter hurdle with 13.02 seconds. 杰克逊保持了他在本赛季的不败纪录,以13秒02摘走110米栏金牌。
- World record holder Dayron Robles breezed through the 2nd round of the men's 110 meters hurdles Tuesday night clocking 13.19 seconds. 19日晚,在奥运会110米栏第二轮的争夺中,世界纪录创造者古巴人罗伯斯毫无悬念地以13秒19组第一晋级半决赛。
- Liu Xiang dejectedly walks away from the track as he realizes he has to withdraw from the defense of his 110 meters hurdles title because of a leg injury. 刘翔由于腿部受伤,不得不放弃捍卫他的100米跨栏冠军头衔,非常沮丧地离开田径赛场。刘翔是中国最受欢迎的运动员。
- The contingent includes Yao Ming, a member of the U.S. National Basketball Association's Houston Rockets, and defending 110 meters hurdling gold medalist Liu Xiang. 成员包括属于美国国家篮球协会的休斯敦火箭队队员姚明,男子110米栏卫冕金牌得主刘翔等。
- He was selected by a worldwide panel of electors and won the award by beating two vs track and gold medallists,400 meter hurdler Kevin Young and heptathlete Joyner Kerssie. 谢尔博是由一个世界性的评选小组所选中的。他是在击败美国田径金牌得主400米栏选手凯文·杨和女子七项全能选手乔伊纳·克西后获得此项大奖。
- Liu became the first Chinese athlete to win a gold medal in a track event when he won the 110 meter hurdles at Athens in 2004. 刘翔在2004年赢得雅典奥运会110米跨栏比赛的冠军,成为第一位赢得径赛项目金牌的中国运动员。
- All in all, Xie Wenjun, whether in the future to take over the baton of Liu Xiang, the men's 110 meter hurdles to become the new king. 总而言之,对谢文骏而言,能否在未来接过刘翔的接力棒,成为男子110米栏的新王者。
- Judging from the current situation, the world men's 110 meter hurdles Liu Xiang will show, Luo Bosi, Oliver 3-hegemony of the situation. 从目前情况看,世界男子110米栏将呈现刘翔、罗伯斯、奥利弗三雄争霸的局面。
- I defy you to jump that high hurdle. 我倒要看看你能不能跳过那高栏。
- Chinese sprinter Liu Xiang has apologized to his fans and his country after his sudden withdrawal in the 110 meter hurdles due to injury. 中国短跑运动员刘翔因受伤突然退出110米栏比赛后,向他的体育迷和全国人民道歉。
- A Study on the Ignored Problems in 110 meters Hurdle Race Early Training 高校110m栏课余训练初期易被忽略的问题研究
- World-record holder Liu Xiang won the men's 110 meters hurdles in 13.23 seconds against a headwind, and 0.04 seconds ahead of American Ryan Wilson, in a rain-hit British Grand Prix in Sheffield. 刘翔在英国田径大奖赛男子110米栏比赛中以13秒23的成绩夺冠。赛后,刘翔高兴地说看到很多华人在为他摇旗呐喊时,感觉就像在主场一样,还表示下一站在日本大阪举行的比赛中有信心再次夺冠!
- On that day, Ostrava in the Czech Republic's IAAF Grand Prix, Luo Bosi 87 to 12 seconds of the results was the men's 110 meter hurdles champion and break the world record. 当日,在捷克俄斯特拉发进行的国际田联大奖赛上,罗伯斯以12秒87的成绩获得男子110米栏的冠军,并打破了世界纪录。
- Roberts's Liu Xiang and Cuba's absence makes the Beijing Olympic Games bronze medalist, the United States's Oliver became the men's 110 meter hurdles race the only star. 刘翔和古巴名将罗伯斯的缺席使得北京奥运会铜牌得主、美国名将奥利弗成为本次比赛男子110米栏唯一的明星。
- The volume of this container is 20 cubic meters. 这个集装箱的体积是20立方米。
- I've passed the written test; the interview is the next hurdle. 我书面考试已经及格了,下一个难关是面试。
- The garden is six meters in width. 花园的宽度为六米。