- Statistics indicate that our living standards have risen. 统计数字表明我们的生活水准已提高。
- People's living standard has had a perceptible improvement. 人民的生活水平明显地改善了。
- The fundamental goal of economic development is to uplift the living standards and quality of life of the people. 发展经济的根本目的是提高全国人民的生活水平和质量。
- It is necessary to elevate the living standards. 必须提高生活水平。
- The peasants' living standards are improving. 农民的生活水平正在提高。
- I want to elevate the living standards. 我渴望提高生活水平。
- They worked hard to elevate the living standards. 他们努力工作以提高生活水平。
- We elevate the living standards blindly, but lower the quality of life. 例如我们盲目地提高生活水准却降低生活品质。
- Since living standards are higher, life expectancy is steadily increasing. 随着生活水平的提高,人们的寿命越来越长。
- We elevatethe living standards blindly, but lower. 例︰例如?我们盲目地提高生活水准?却降低生活品质。
- I asked about the living standards. 我了解了一下苏州的生活水平。
- It is necessary to elevate the living standards . 必须提高生活水平。
- Our living standards are rising steadily. 我们的生活水平正在不断地提高。
- Improve the living standard of sb. 提高人们的生活水平
- We must raise the living standard of the people. 我们必须提高人民的生活水平。
- Living standards of urban and rural residents continued to improve. 城乡人民生活继续改善。
- The living standards of the people have improved considerably. 广大人民的生活有了较大的改善。
- We should help peasants gradually improve their living standards. 我们要一步步地使农民缓过气来。
- The living standards here have fallen still further. 这儿的生活水平又下降了一截。
- The living standard of the workers has been improved rapidly. 职工的生活水平迅速提高。