- live working inspection 带电检测
- He spent most of his life working in obscurity. 他在默默无闻的工作中度过了大半生。
- Ask about what it takes to make life work? 问自己为什么生活会是这个样子?
- Then I shall have completed my life work. 然后,我这一辈子的工作就算完成了。
- He has spent all his life working with mentally disabled people. 他毕生为精神障碍者工作。
- He's spent most of his life working for the same company. 他一生的大部分时间都在同一家公司里工作。
- They should not,for example,ask to be treated to meals or banquets on their work inspection tours. 下去检查工作的时候,不要人家请客,不要办酒席。
- If it is easy to have your life work, why haven't I done it? 如果运转生活那么容易,为什么我做不到呢?
- They should not, for example, ask to be treated to meals or banquets on their work inspection tours. 下去检查工作的时候,不要人家请客,不要办酒席。
- Giving a comprehensive apologia, an account of his life work. 保羅為自己整個生命與事工的辯詞。
- The anxieties of everyday life work in a similar way. 我们日常生活中的忧虑也是一样的。
- Sadly, that's just not the way life works. 不幸的是,生活就是这样
- By the CPC Central Committee in implementing the "three represents" and the National Inspectorate began work inspection team confirmed that CCTV was to be reported twice. 受到了中共中央贯彻落实“三个代表”督察组及全国清欠工作督查组的肯定,先后两次被中央电视台予以报道。
- She spent the last few years of her life working closely with UNICEF. 在她临终前的最后几年里,她的工作与UNICEF紧密联系在一起.
- Van Gogh spent his early adult life working for a firm of art dealers. 梵高成年后早期是在一家公司作画商。
- Badger WORK PERFORMED: Field works inspection of the new gasoline plant at the Sines Refinery, PORTUGAL. 在葡萄牙的Sines精炼厂,对新置上汽油设备进行实地检测。
- Huertey WORK PERFORMED: Workshop inspection; field works inspection; non-destructive testing Oporto Refinery Furnaces construction, PORTUGAL. 在葡萄牙的波尔图,负责车间检测;现场检测;高炉体建设期间无损探伤检测。
- Technip WORK PERFORMED: Field works inspection of the cracking complex of the Sines Refinery; safety supervision, PORTUGAL. 所做工作工作业绩:在葡萄牙,负责Sines精炼厂裂化设备的实地检测;安全监理。
- Margaret's life worked to schedule; she would have been lost without her watch. 玛格丽特的生活是完全按照时间表来安排的;没有手表她就会茫然若失,不知所措。
- Amendment 2 - Live working - Minimum requirements for the utilization of tools, devices and equipment. 带电作业。使用工具、器件和设备的最低要求。修改件2。