- It is clear that one cannot live upon air . 很清楚,人不能靠喝风生活。
- He that live upon hope,dies farting. 不再希望中生活,就在屁声中死去。
- It is clear that one cannot live upon air. 很清楚,人不能靠喝风生活。
- You build your life upon your faith. 你在你的信仰之上构筑你的生活。
- It is not much, but still enough to live upon in this retired spot. 这笔钱数目不大,但在这样一个乡僻地区也足够维持生活了。
- The youth patterned his life upon Benjamin Franklin. 那位青年以本杰明·富兰克林为榜样。
- The Amoeba was alone of all animal life upon the planet. 当时地球上就只有变形虫这一种生物。
- The current thought-form of Earth creates life upon Earth. 地球的当前思想形态创造了地球上的生命。
- He that lives upon hope,dies farting. 一味靠希望活着的人,死时不值一文。
- He that lives upon hope, dies farting. 一味靠希望活着的人,死时不值一文。
- "Who live upon the stones, I suppose," said Franz with an incredulous smile. “我想它们大概是靠舔石头过日子吧。” 弗兰兹怀疑地笑了笑说。
- Why are so many geese relying upon grass seed from golf courses to live upon? 为什么有这么多的鹅依靠高尔夫球场上的草种为生?
- Thought-form creates life upon any dimension that the thought-form exists upon. 思想形态创造了思想形态所在之任何密度中的生命。
- Many addicts have returned to society and started to lead a new life upon successful rehabilitation. 许多戒毒人员成功戒断毒瘾,重返社会,走向新生。
- Marriage is always a hopeless idiocy for a woman who has enough of her own to live upon. 对一个自己有足够的生活资料的女人来说,结婚是一种不可救药的极端愚蠢的行为。
- I intend to learn to live upon the land in non-ownership an in community with other humans as well as nature. 我意愿学会在没有所属权的大地上生活,并在和他人与自然的群落中生活。
- I intend to learn to live upon the land and in a state of unity and joy as a land based creature. 我意愿学会靠大地为生,并作为一个陆地生物而生存在一个统一、欢乐的状态中。
- Live upon the sour land long enough and you too will go sour and this will lead to disease. 生活在酸涩土地上足够长的时间,你也将进入酸涩中,而这将带来疾病。
- For I tell you truly, from one Mother proceeds all that lives upon the earth. 我实话告诉你们,地上一切的生命都孕育自同一个母亲。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。