- We watched a live television show. 我们观看了一场电视现场直播的表演。
- The mayor gave a television address yesterday evening. 市长昨晚作了电视演讲。
- live television address 直播电视演讲
- The immediacy of live television coverage. 电视现场直播的直观性
- He was heroized by his family after he made a television address. 他在电视上做过一次演说之后,全家人都把他看做是一位伟人了。
- China plans to broadcast the spacewalk on live television. 中国计划对太空漫步进行实况电视转播。
- US President George W Bush is to make a television address later today asking the American public to remain patient over the effort to stabilise Iraq. 美国总统乔治布什在今天作了一场电视演说,呼吁美国人民拿出耐心,继续为了伊拉克的稳定而努力。
- It is impossible to send live television by direct transmission over a long distance because the earth is round. 由于地球是圆的,用长距离直接传送来发射直播电视信号是不可能的。
- Prior to the elections, Putin made a television address asking eligible voters to cast ballots for United Russia to stick to the development path on which he has set the nation. 普京总统在选举之前发表了一个电视讲话,呼吁选民支持统一俄罗斯党,以保证“普京路线”得以延续。
- Casey: I see. I watched the live television broadcast match yesterday. It's so great! 我知道了。昨天我看了现场直播。真是太棒了!
- Two matches from United's Easter programme have been rearranged for live television coverage. 红魔的两场复活节演出因为电视直播改期。
- Jenna joked that their appearance provided an opportunity for "payback time" on live television. 詹纳开玩笑说,对于她们在电视直播上的露面,观众可能会索要“补偿时间”。
- Communication satellites permit the exchange of live television programs between nations and continents. 通讯卫星能进行跨国或跨洲实况电视转播。
- In place of, or in addition to, cocaine, we may expect to see ‘mind-enhanced’ performances on “live” television. 代替,或附加于毒品,我们可以期望在“实况”转播的电视节目中看到“精神提升”的表演。
- In a television address to the Indian people from a historic fort known as "Purana Qila" in New Delhi, Mr.Bush said rivalries of the Cold War kept the two democracies separate for decades. 布希总统在新德里普拉那奇拉古堡向印度人民发表电视讲话说,冷战期间的对立使这两个民主国家隔离了几十年。
- Two of the men gave a live television interview before their arrest in which they harshly criticized the penal system. 其中的两人在他们接受了现场采访,在采访中他们严厉抨击了刑事系统。
- Musharraf's resignation, announced in a national television address Monday, marks a victory for the governing coalition of his political opponents that was preparing to impeach him. 联合政府此前一直在准备弹劾穆沙拉夫。
- I appeared on live television for the first time in October 1972 to present the breakthrough in the Vietnam peace negotiations. 一九七二年十月,我首次在电视实况转播节目中介绍了在越南和平谈判中取得突破的情况。
- In 2001, by contrast, "the twin towers of the World Trade Centre fell in real time, on live television, as the world watched on in horror. 相比之下,二零零一年世界贸易中心的双塔楼倒塌,电视上进行了实况播放,全世界都在恐慌之中观看到了这一切。
- "I hereby declare that I am going to run for president and I will win," Tymoshenko said in a televised address. “因此,我宣布我将参加总统竞赛,并且我将当选。”季莫申科在电视演说上发表该讲话。