- We live in a peaceful,prosperous time,but we can make it better. 我们生活在和平、繁荣的时代,可是我们还可以将其变得更加美好。
- We live in a peaceful, prosperous time, but we can make it better. 我们生活在和平、繁荣的时代,可是我们还可以将其变得更加美好。
- live in prosperous times 遭逢盛世
- These anchors are devised in prosperous times but run into difficulty during recessions. 这些“锚”产生于繁荣年代,在衰退时便陷入了困境。
- Her parents had gone through the Depression so they often warned her to be mindful of danger even in prosperous times. 她的父母经历过大萧条时代,所以经常提醒她即使在经济繁荣的时候也要居安思危。
- We led a hard life in times of stress. 在困难时期我们过着艰苦的生活。
- The writer decided to live in the Sahara Desert for some time. 那位作家决定去撒哈拉沙漠住一段日子。
- repairing genealogy in prosperous times 盛世修谱
- His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- He had to live in the shadow of his famous father. 他不得不在他那有名望的父亲的庇护下生活。
- I can live in clover when I get that position. 我得到那个职位便可过上优裕的生活。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- The herrings usually live in large shoals. 青鱼通常生活在大的浅水区。
- Sloths live in trees and move very slowly. 树獭生活在树上而且行动缓慢。
- Most insect do not live in polar region. 大多数的昆虫不在极地地区生存。
- A hermit used to live in the cave. 一位隐士曾经住在那个山洞里。
- There is usually a trend to conservatism in prosperous eras. 在繁荣时期常趋于保守。
- He passed his life in an inconsiderable village. 他在一个小小村落中度过他的一生。
- Would you rather live in a town, or in the country? 你愿意住在城市还是乡下?