- The villagers live in peace and quiet. 那些村民生活在和平宁静之中。
- live in peace and security 过着平静安稳的生活
- Wish the perished victims rest in peace and the survivors live in sprits. 愿逝者安然,生者坚强。
- Don't bother me, O.K.? Just let me live out my life in peace and in private. 别打扰我了, 好不好?就让我一个人安安宁宁地度过后半辈子吧。
- Debate: Will a Shark and a Shrimp Live in Peace? 研讨:鲨鱼和小虾能否共生?
- Woe to us if we presume to rest in peace and security when actually there is no true holiness in our lives. 在我们的言行上,圣德的痕迹,还没有显出来,就想止步停工,好像已经到了安歇的时候,真是可怜!
- We live in peace with our neighbors. 我们与邻居和睦相处。
- We're pursuing the goal of two states, Israel and Palestine, living in peace and security. 我们正在寻求实现以色列和巴勒斯坦两个国家在和平与安全的环境中共存的目标。
- I should like to live out my days in peace and comfort. 我想安宁舒适地度过剩余的日子。
- God himself has placed in the human heart an instinctive tendency to live in peace and harmony. 神赋给人心生活在和平与和谐中的本能倾向。
- One day we shall all live in peace, concord and union. 有一天我们将生活在和平,和谐和团结之中。
- We are hypocrites if we ask other people to live in peace and harmony, but cannot do it among Sangha. 这样的善良常常是播种,在不经意间,就会开出最美丽的人性之花。
- Through faith in Jesus, all God's people will be blessed and given an inheritance in His wonderful and flourishing Kingdom, where they will dwell with Him in peace and security forevermore. 藉著信靠耶稣,所有上帝的子民要蒙祝福,并在祂奇妙且繁荣的国度中继承产业,享有祂的和平与安全直到永永远远。
- One day we shall all live in peace,concord and union. 有一天我们将生活在和平,和谐和团结之中。
- Peace and security are often enforced by violence! 和平与安全经常通过暴力实行!
- Confucius advocated an ideal society where "the old live in peace and comfort, friends trust each other and the young are taken good care of. 摘要孔子主张建立一个“老者安之,朋友信之,少者怀之”的理想社会。
- It lived in peace and in loneliness. 她的生活平静而孤独。
- Such a shift will augment the birth of a unity based human civilization in which all humans are loved, supported, fed and learn to live in peace and unity with all other species. 这个变化将增大基于统一的人类文明之诞生,在其中所有的人类都被爱、被支持、被回馈及学习与其他的物种们生活在和平及统一里。
- These are the realistic ways to guarantee peace and security. 这是确保和平与安全的现实途径。
- This included the conversion of the entire Tibetan plateau into a Zone of Ahimsa, a sanctuary of peace and nonviolence where human beings and nature can live in peace and harmony. 这被包括在内的整个西藏语高地的转变进入一之内地域不杀生、一个和平的庇护所和非暴力哪里人类和自然能活的在和平和协调方面。