- In the old days they led a miserable existence . 过去,他们生活困苦。
- He dragged out a miserable existence. 他捱过了可怜的生活。
- In the old days they led a miserable existence. 过去,他们生活困苦。
- The American blacks live a miserable life. 美国黑人过着悲惨的生活。
- Since 1956 they had eked out a miserable existence. 1956年以来,他们过着一种悲惨的生活。
- He drag out a miserable existence. 他过尽了可怜的生涯。
- live a miserable existence 过着悲惨的生活
- The infall of the pirates caused the villagers to live a miserable life. 海盗的入侵导致了村民的悲惨生活。
- It is said that in some single parent families children live a miserable life. 据说有些单亲家庭的孩子生活很悲惨。
- The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped and noisy apartment. 这家人在狭窄而嘈杂的公寓里过着凄惨的日子。
- The handmaid led a miserable life. 婢女过着悲惨的生活。
- Some overnight millionaires lead an extravagant and wasteful life, and many impoverished peasants still live a miserable life and face the dangers of starvation and exposure. 有些暴发户过着奢侈、浪费的生活,而许多贫穷的农民依然过着穷困的生活,饱受饥寒之苦。
- Before liberation most of us lived a miserable life. 解放前,我们多数人都过着悲惨的生活。
- It must be noted that improvement in agriculture seems to not be able to catch up with the increase in population of rural areas and there are millions of peasants who still live a miserable life and have to face the dangers of exposure and starvation. 必须指出,农业的发展似乎赶不上农村人口的增加,并且仍有成千上万的农民过着缺衣挨饿的贫寒生活。
- She was pained to think of them still living such a miserable life. 想到他们还过着这样悲惨的生活,她心里很难受。
- Though he lives a miserable life, he never loses his optimism. He always believes in a bright future. 尽管生活困苦,他从未丧失乐观的态度。他总是相信未来是光明的。
- Dwellers here live a happy life now. 现在这里居民的生活很幸福。
- What a miserable old devil Scrooge was! 斯克鲁奇是多麽可恶的吝啬鬼呀!
- The plan was a miserable failure. 那计划遭到狼狈不堪的失败。
- lead a miserable existence, a life of luxury, a double life, etc 过悲惨的生活﹑ 豪华的生活﹑ 双重人格的生活等