- literature in metrical form. 韵文形式的文学作品。
- To change from prose into metrical form. 把散文体改写成韵体诗
- You can't fully appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国文学的精髓。
- There is a considerable literature in this area. 在该领域存有相当多的文献。
- I minored in literature in addition to art. 我除了辅修艺术以外还辅修文学。
- Journalism is literature in a hurry. 新闻是急就文学。
- Different bores with keyway are available in metric and in inches. 可以提供不同内孔及键槽
- Great thinker and literature in fifteen century. 尼扎木丁·艾里希尔·纳瓦依是15 世纪维吾尔族的伟大诗人、思想家和文学大师。
- There is good literature in plenty. 优秀文学作品大量发行。
- He bounded up with literature in his ealy years. 他早年就和文学结下了不解之缘。
- He majored in comparative literature in university. 他大学学的专业是比较文学。
- Chinese Language Literature in USA. 美国华文文学
- The second stanza,and those like it,in a poem consisting of alternating stanzas in contrasting metric form. 第二节在由交替诗节组成的对比韵律诗中的第二节及类似部分
- You can't really appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。
- The second stanza, and those like it, in a poem consisting of alternating stanzas in contrasting metric form. 第二节在由交替诗节组成的对比韵律诗中的第二节及类似部分
- Lu Xun abandoned medicine for literature in his early days. 鲁迅早年弃医从文。
- Globalization affects Arab literature in different ways. 全球化对阿拉伯文学的影响是多方面的。
- Doris Lessing was a warded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2007. 多丽丝莱辛被授予2007年诺贝尔文学奖。
- He had been wedded to literature in his early years. 他早年就和文学结下了不解之缘。
- But so far have not found literature in this regard. 但至今没有发现有关这方面的文献记载。