- Life is the source of literary creation. 生活是文学创作的源泉。
- Why is Online Literary Creation so Powerless? 网络原创文学何以不大气?
- Regional culture and ZHANG Hen-shui's literary creation. 地域文化与张恨水的文学创作。
- Heroism in literary creation is a double-bladed sword. 摘要英雄主义在文学创作中是一把双刃剑。
- Kawabata Yasunari was awarded Nobel Prize for his great literary creations such as Snow Country. 川端康成因《雪国》等作品而成为"诺贝尔文学奖"的获得者。
- The narrative on violence and tribulation constitutes the important traits in his literary creations. 对暴力和苦难的叙述构成了他文学创作的重要特色。
- Doctrinairism almost became a stubborn ailment in literary creations shortly after 1949 when literature was turned into a political tool. 摘要建国初期,在文学成为政治工具的时代,教条主义几乎成了文学创作中的顽症。
- During the May 4, Movement, she took an active part in patriotic activities and began literary creation. “五四”运动时期,曾参加过爱国运动,并开始文学创作。
- Ernest Hemingway was flexible in his literary creation, which is fully embodied in his novel A Farewell to Arms. 欧内斯特·海明威的文学创作风格灵活多样 ,这充分体现在其长篇小说《永别了 ,武器》中。
- In the literary creations of the schools of realism, romanticism and modernism, sentimentalism showed different stylistic and aesthetic characteristics. 在写实派、浪漫派和现代派的创作中,感伤有着各不相同的风格表征和审美特质。
- Yet the prevailing Neo-Confucianism that affected literary creation was the unorthodox Sichuan School. 终金一朝,盛行于士林、文坛并对创作产生决定性影响的理学派别是被认为非正宗的蜀学。
- "Classic" is the essence condensed in the history of literature, and can beet represent the level of literary creation. “经典”作为文学史浓缩之精华应当最能代表当时当地的文学水准。
- This article attempts to probe into the literary styles and generating elements of Sima Xiangru's literary creation. 本文旨在对司马相如文学创作的这两重风格及其生成要素给予细致的探讨。
- Yuxin's literary creation is characterized by the value of the compatible culture. 摘要庾信的创作中昭示出兼容并蓄的文化价值取向。
- Chapter Four concludes this thesis with a discussion of the interplay between literary creation and historical witness. 第四章以讨论文学创作和历史见证间的互动关系为本文作结。
- MAO Dun has his unique literary creation inclination-writing for the petty bourgeoisie. 摘要茅质有自己独特的“为小资产阶级写作”的文学观;
- The reform in characters is a great success, and it promotes the development of the contemperary literary creation. 文改取得了巨大的成功,推动了当今文坛的发展。
- Whether or Xuanhuan Yanqing, all depends on the expression of literary creation in a relatively free environment. 无论是玄幻还是言情,皆有赖于文学创作处于一个表达相对自由的环境。
- Literary creation is no longer restricted to career writers who live off the government coffer. 这群年轻作家,像郭敬明和张悦然,其成功之处在于,他们能直击同龄人的心底。
- As a special form of literary reading and literary creation, translation also owns its dialogic character. 而翻译作为文学活动的一种特殊形式,也同样具有文学活动的对话和交流的本质。