- Traditions and Trends in Western Literary Genre Studies 西方文学样式研究的传统与走向
- The literary genre represented by novels. 以小说表出现的文学类型
- As for the literary genre of the book, the thesis thinks it as a kind of rudiment novel, and studies the problems of its indiscreet job and makes an estimate of its value. 东汉经学承西汉独尊儒术的余绪,深受董仲舒思想影响,同时它又是发生发展在特定的后汉时代。
- This assistant thought the book was the prototype of a whole literary genre. 这名助手认为此书乃是整个一种文学体裁的原型。
- Fiction is a literary genre that aims to reflect real life through describing typical literary images. 小说是通过塑造典型人物形象来反映现实生活的一种文学体裁。
- The Italians like soap operas today. Their most successful literary genre is comic. 今天意大利人喜爱看肥皂剧,他们最成功的文学样式是连环漫画。
- Gardening literature is an important literary genre of classical Chinese literature. 园记是中国古代文学体裁中的重要一支。
- About how the literary genre of ci-poetry came into being,there were two major viewpoints described as "natural evolvement of style" and "gradual change of temperament". 关于词体生成方式,清人主要有“文体代嬗”与“音律递变”两种观点,其中以“音律递变论”为主流观点。
- Literary genres pale to disappearance under Jelinek\'s hand. 在耶利内克手中,文学体裁的樊篱消失了。
- This paper explores how pluralism is reflected in English and American postmodern literature in terms of plots and characters, so as to facilitate a better understanding of this literary genre. 本文就多元性特征在英美后现代主义文学作品中情节和人物两要素的体现进行探究,以期对英美后现代主义文学有更好的理解。
- Borrowing ideas from theories in Western literary genres will help to examine thoroughly and broaden aspects of theory studies on Chinese Modern and Contemporary essays. 借鉴西方文类研究理论,将有助于中国现当代散文(随笔)理论研究走向进一步拓展和深入。
- A General Survey of Genre Studies 语类研究概览
- The connotations and categories of literary genres, literature and literariness and interdisciplinary studies deserve more studies in the future. 文类内涵、文类范畴系统、文类与文学性、文类越界等是今后文类研究值得重视和开拓的课题。
- the literary genre of works intended for the theater. 适用于剧院演出的文体。
- the literary genre of works intended for the theater 适用于剧院演出的文体
- Under the influence of globalization, new cultural ecology comes into being, ushering the adjustment of the status of literary genres and the change of aesthetic consciousness. 全球化趋势下新的文化生态逐渐成形,随之而来的是文类位阶的调整和美学意识的转变。
- This article interprets Closing Time on three levels: the carnivalization of world experience, the carnivalization of art thought, and the carnivalization of literary genres. 作者在作品中把狂欢化阐述为一种反制度,一种代表后现代主义本身的另类生活。
- Rhetorical Genre Studies and Rhetorical Structure Theory 修辞体裁分析和修辞结构论
- Writings covering a wide variety of literary genres will include the works of Caesar, Cicero, Catullus, Livy, Virgil, Horace, and Ovid, with additional readings from Cassius Dio for background. 著作涵盖广泛的文学类型,包括凯撒、西塞罗、卡图拉斯、李维、维吉尔、贺拉斯和奥维德等人的作品,并外加上迪奥的历史著作,来协助了解历史背景。
- Sandy and Giese 1995: D.B.Sandy, R.L.Giese, Jr. eds.Cracking Old Testament Codes: A Guide to Interpreting the Literary Genres of the Old Testament.Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1995. 介绍旧约圣经里的不同文学类型(叙述、历史、法律、拯救神喻、宣告审判、启示文学、哀歌、赞美诗、箴言、智慧文学),说明其释义方法。