- What Still Remains of Literary Theories? 文学理论还剩下什么?
- The magazine was the marketplace of literary theory. 那本杂志是文学理论激战之论坛。
- These literary theories of self-criticism have not ridded themselves of borrowing the theories of the West. 文学理论的自我作对者,尚未诀别“稗贩”西学的历史。
- The Tradition of Chinese Literary Theories: An Abrupt Break or A Quiet Extension? 中国文论传统:是骤然断裂,还是静悄悄绵延?
- The instructor illustrates linguistic, cultural, and literary theories and phenomenon with examples. 老师善于将理论和实际相结合解释语言、文化和文学理论和现象。
- In dimensions of ideology and economy,the general features of Thomas Aquinas? literary theories are drawn out. 然后再从意识形态和经济思想两个维度 ,比较研究了托马斯·阿奎那文艺思想的总特征。
- The Afro-American female novelists and feminist critics have developed and enriched western literary theories. 黑人女性小说家和女性主义批评家则用自身的实践经验书写并丰富了西方的文学理论。
- The copious harvest of Western literary theories during 1946-1949 left us a memorable history of literary criticism. 摘要1946至1949年西方文论的丰硕成果,为我们书写了一段令人缅怀的批评史。
- It on the one hand enriches literary theories with new life, and on the other, leads to some new partialities. 这既使当代文艺理论批评充满活力,同时也带来了某些新的片面性。
- Combination of poetics in form and utility in connotation is the distinguishing ethnic feature of ancient Chinese literary theories. 形态的诗性化与内涵的功利主义相结合是中国古代文论鲜明的民族特色。
- Chapter two studies the influence of western An Introduction to Literary Theories in China, as it is not "domestic " but "imported". 第二章探讨西方文学概论的引入路径及其影响。 众所周知,“文学概论”不是土生土长的“国货”,它是伴随着西方文化、文学的引进和介绍而出现的。
- This essay discusses the problem of meaning in 20th century Western literary theories and criticism by making use of theological resources. 摘要本文借助当代基督教神学资源对20世纪西方文论中的“意义”问题进行讨论。
- And there were abu ndant materials about Qu-Yuan and precious literary theories, it canrecognize Qu-Yuan, and repair a few omissions. 况且其中有着丰富的屈赋遗说及宝贵的文论思想,可以帮助我们多角度地把握屈原的生平和思想,并补史传之不足。
- Facing Consuming Culture: What Could Literary Theory do? 在消费文化面前文艺学何为?
- Is It Right or Wrong for Cultural Study to Replace Literary Theory? 是耶?非耶?文化研究代替文学理论?
- In the thesis, we bring both the Hermeneutic and comparative literary theories to summarize the study history of Chia Pauyu as well as practice a parallel study of this image. 大量的研究者从不同角度重新阐释贾宝玉这一形象的文学内涵,从而在一定程度上克服了过去在不同的经典化过程中对贾宝玉形象的阐释不足或阐释过度。
- The class characteristic of art is his core of literary theory. 艺术的阶级属性,是其文艺思想的核心内容。
- The significance of Byatt's work lies in the fact that it is an appeal to literary scholars to be aware of the overrating of literary theories which Byatt stand up against. 拜厄特作品的意义在于它引起了文学研究者对于拜厄特所反对的对文学理论过分倚重现象的注意。
- The classical literary theories that are derived from the classical artistic spirit are characterized by text-centered object of study and the universalization of theories, thus effacing the versatility of literary ecology. 当代的文艺生态问题对文艺理论研究提出了与经典的文艺理论不同甚至相冲突的视野和经验要求。
- Liuxie Poetics holds a significant position in his entire literary theory. 刘勰诗学观在他的整个文学理论体系中据有重要一席。