- Latin was the literary language of Italy. 拉丁语是意大利的文学语言。
- For a long period of time Latin was the literary language of Italy. 很长一段时期, 拉丁语是意大利的文学语言。
- It was Chaucer who really turned English into a literary language. 是乔叟使英语真正变成了文学语言。
- We can write in literary language, but we seldom speak that way. 我们会用文学语言写文章,却很少用文学语言讲话。
- Various cul-tural phenomena can all be shown by literary language. 种种文化现象都可以通过文学语言表现出来。
- I can't understand literary language, can you make it more simple? 我不太懂这种雅言,你能讲得通俗点吗?
- Since poetry fully reveals literary language features such as vividness, sensibility and individuality, it is the appropriate start-point in NLP. 诗词艺术集中体现了文学语言的形象性、情感性、个性等特征,是文学语言处理研究很好的切入点。
- In new-age Chinese literature, there emerged a lot of language variations in the field of literary language. 摘要中国新时期文学,在文学语言领域相对集中地出现了大量的变异语言。
- The everyday language spoken by a people as distinguished from the literary language. 日常用语;俗语;白话:某个民族所说的、区别于书面语言的日常用语。
- An ancient Indic language that is the language of Hinduism and the Vedas and is the classical literary language of India. 梵文一种古印度语,为印度及吠陀经所用文字,也是印度的古典文学语言
- Why to examine the difference between literary language to the difference from the genre? 为什么从体裁差别的角度去探讨文学语言的区别。
- Before the eighteenth century, Church Slavonic was in wide use as a general literary language in Russia. 于18世纪前,教会斯拉夫语在俄罗斯被广泛的作为一般书面语。
- Chapter three: Narrate the recreation and sports research of Tibetan"s literary language. 第三章:叙述藏族文学语言的文体研究。
- Literary Language is marked by features of a given era and idiosyncrasies of a writer. 摘要文学语言具有鲜明的时代特徵和个性特徵。
- First,since the campaign focused on Mandarin as a spoken language,what was supposed to be the role of written Chinese as a literary language? 首先,它着重作为口头语的华语,那么作为书面语的华文又扮演什么角色?
- French writer and leader in the revival of Provencal as a literary language who shared the1904 Nobel Prize for literature. 法国作家及复兴普罗旺斯语为文学语言运动的领导人,1904年与他人分享诺贝尔文学奖
- Literary language processing deserves its due attention in the current research atmosphere of Natural Language Processing (NLP). 摘要在当前自然语言处理的研究状况下,文学语言处理应当受到足够的重视。
- The aesthetic value of literary language is incarnated by the formalization of emotion,semantic constructiveness,latent interest o... 文学语言的审美价值具体体现在情感形式化,语义建构性,符号意味性等方面。
- First, since the campaign focused on Mandarin as a spoken language, what was supposed to be the role of written Chinese as a literary language? 首先,它着重作为口头语的华语,那么作为书面语的华文又扮演什么角色?
- Utilizing images as a refreshing form of literary language, Jimmy creates in his works poetic frames that emit charms and appeals. 几米让"图像"成为另一种清新舒洁的文学语言,在他的作品里营造出流畅的画面,散发出深情迷人的风采。