- literary historical view 文学史观
- The third chapter discusses Tacitus’ historical view on kismet. 第三章在历史观的层面上,探讨塔西佗的天命观。
- Materialist Historical View: Social Historical View or General Outlook? 唯物史观:社会历史观还是一般世界观?
- Rousseau’s historical view came from the application of his romantic theory on the study of history. 卢梭历史观是其浪漫主义学说运用到历史学的结果。
- We must deal with this issue on its own merits and take the long historical view in our discussions. 我们处理这个问题要就事论事,要从长远历史观点来讨论。
- On one hand,this paper analyses the change of Hobsbawm's progressive historical view. 一方面,霍布斯鲍姆进步历史观念的内涵变化轨迹明显;
- Hegel's historical view based on dialectical metaphysics did not really overcome the perplexity of historicism. 黑格尔以思辨形而上学为基础的历史观,只是虚假地克服了历史主义所必须面对的这一难题。
- Donald E.Abelson, Think Tanks and U.S.Foreign Policy: A Historical View,U.S.Foreign Policy Agenda: An Electronic Journal Of The U.S. 在美国,想成为党员,只要于选举时,在选民登记表上自己填上那个党的名称就行了,在投票的时候投这个党的票,就可以说明你是该党的党员。
- study of new literary historical materials 新文学史料学
- However, according to the historical view of news, a history can greatly derive from news rescources, and good news can become part of a history. 但从新闻历史观的眼光看,优秀的新闻虽然失去了新闻价值,但却有可能沉淀为“历史的初稿”,从而具有历史的价值。
- As a direct and earthy factor, Tacitus" historical view on recurrence lies in his pessimistic and depressible view on Rome. 塔西佗悲观消沉的罗马观构成其循环史观直接的现实动因。
- This comparative historical view of the "times that tried men's souls" casts important light on the nature of the martial spirit under American conditions. 这个“考验人的灵魂的时代”的比较历史观,对在美国情况下的尚武精神之本质如何,有重要的启示。
- From historical view, it showed the adjunctive action of AD was only be recognized with emphasis on its action as corrigent and effect on complications. 考察表明,历代医家对佐药虽有所阐述,但侧重从反佐和治疗兼症确认其配伍作用。
- The so called "the wild as view of nature",is,a view of nature as "Objectivist Naturalism",a kind of semi-Materialism,and the nihilism on historical view. 荒野自然观不过是“客观自然主义”的自然观,是一种“毫无血肉的精神”,是“半截子”的唯物主义和历史观上的虚无主义。
- This is an important issue to be discussed,but in discussing this issue,we must not be emotional or rake up any other irrelevant points. We must deal with this issue on its own merits and take the long historical view in our discussions. 这是很值得讨论的问题,是一个重要的问题。可是讨论时不能意气用事,不能扯进其他问题,要就事论事,要从长远历史观点来讨论:
- Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions. 他的诗里用了很多晦涩的文学典故。
- A literary historical review of "Re writing the history of literature" "重写文学史"的文学史学审视
- I don't like to read his literary criticism. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。
- This is an important issue to be discussed, but in discussing this issue, we must not be emotional or rake up any other irrelevant points. We must deal with this issue on its own merits and take the long historical view in our discussions. 这是很值得讨论的问题,是一个重要的问题。可是讨论时不能意气用事,不能扯进其他问题,要就事论事,要从长远历史观点来讨论:
- He is endowed with literary talent. 他有文学天分。