- An official literary form of Norwegian based on written Danish. 博克马尔语基于丹麦书面语的挪威政府书面形式
- The standard literary form of Italian. 托斯卡纳语意大利语的标准的文学语言
- literary form of dialogues 对话文体
- Plato perfected a form of writing that presented intellectual theories in the form of dialogues. 柏拉图完善了采用对话体表达知识理论的写作形式。
- Either according to ancient biography or ancient literary typology, the literary form of romance is biography, romance just is miscellaneous biography in fact. 从历史的实际看,无论是从古代目录学的角度,还是从古代文章体式的角度,唐传奇实质上就是杂传,在文体上是传体。
- The former refer to a kind of language style, while the latter refer to a way of chanter.If we do not know these, we will not realize the spring of literary form of Ci and Fu. “辞”、“赋”上古都有特殊的涵义,“辞”乃经人为加工而形成的言曲旨远的文饰之语,而“赋”则是从“辞赋”的“不歌而诵”的特征讲的。
- Plato's philosophy is expounded in the form of dialogues with definite time, place and characters, features, especially typical in the Symposium, that characterize the drama. 摘要柏拉图的哲学是以对话的形式呈现的,这些对话有具体的时间、地点和人物,显示出明显的戏剧特征,尤以会饮最为典型。
- Of or relating to biography as a literary form. 作为文学形式的或与之相关的传记体的
- The final chapters of Crevecoeur's Sketches take the form of dialogues between greedy, ignorant 'patriots'and dignified loyalists or wouldbe neutrals (of whom Crevecoeur was one) . 克里夫科尔《札记》的最后几章用的是对话体裁,是贪婪无知的“爱国志士”和高贵的保皇党或自诩的中立分子(克里夫科尔本人就是此等人)之间的对话。
- The final chapters of Crevecoeur's Sketches take the form of dialogues between greedy, ignorant "patriots" and dignified loyalists or would-be neutrals(of whom Crevecoeur was one). 克里夫科尔《札记》的最后几章用的是对话体裁,是贪婪无知的“爱国志士”和高贵的保皇党或自诩的中立分子(克里夫科尔本人就是此等人)之间的对话。
- Both Ci and Qu were art forms of chords at the beginning. Later they developed into independent literary forms. 词曲开始时都是和乐的艺术形式,发展到后来成为独立的文学形式。
- Along among the literary forms of novels, they satisfy the human craving to know and understand our fellow creasures. 同样在小说的文学形式里,他们满足了人类渴望了解我们同类的欲望。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- Then show them to the class the next lesson in form of dialogue or speech. 让学生以演讲或对话的形式展示成果,有利于发挥自主学习语言的能动性。
- His novel theory has clear characteristics of liberty and innovation, insisting on liberalist viewpoint of literature, some useful exploration on the literary forms of novels. 此外,其小说理论标举自由与创新之旗帜,坚持自由主义文学观,并对小说的文体形式进行有益探索。
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。
- They suggest a study into holding joint exercises to fight against the aforementioned threats and establishing new forms of dialogues concerning the issue of security guarantee. 为此,部长们认为应当研究就同上述威胁做斗争举行联合演习的问题,研究建立就保障安全问题进行对话的新形式。
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。